Sybase Linked Server

  • I need to setup a linked server to a Adaptive Server Anywhere 8.0, does any one have an example of how to set this up in a SQL Server 2000 environment?

    Arthur Lorenzini

  • See if this helps:;EN-US;280102

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • I went through the MS article and performed the following operations:

    exec sp_addlinkedserver @server = 'HC90' ,

    @srvproduct = 'Sybase',

    @provider = 'MSDASQL',

    @datasrc = 'HC90CentralProd'


    -- Adding linked server login:

    sp_addlinkedsrvlogin @rmtsrvname = 'HC90',@useself='false ',

    @rmtuser = 'dba',

    @rmtpassword = 'sql'


    This part seemed to work. When I click on the linked server name in Enterprise Manager I see the tables and views from the Sybase server.

    but when I try to run a Select statement against it:

    SELECT * FROM HC90.HC90_Central_Prod.DBA.dbe_contractor

    I get the following error:

    Server: Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    OLE DB provider 'MSDASQL' reported an error. The provider does not support the necessary method.

    [OLE/DB provider returned message: Method is not supported by this provider.]

    [OLE/DB provider returned message: [Sybase][ODBC Driver]Driver not capable]

    OLE DB error trace [OLE/DB Provider 'MSDASQL' IDBSchemaRowset::GetRowset returned 0x80040e53:  The provider does not support the necessary method.].

    I am not sure what to do now.

    Arthur Lorenzini

  • I have not done this recently but I believe that I had to install the sybase ODBC driver on my SQL Server machine. Some information might be helpful at:

  • I have already installed the Sybase client on the SQL Server. that was how I was able to created DSN using Adaptive Server Anywhere 8.0 provider.

    Arthur Lorenzini

  • How was this issue resolved?  I'm having the exact same issue, where I've created the linked server for Sybase, can see the Sybase tables and views via Enterprise Manager, but get the same error as listed above when executing a SELECT statement on the linked server via Query Analyzer.  I already have the Sybase client installed on the MSSQL server.

  • I don't know if he solved the problem, but I would try OpenQuery such as;

    DBCC TRACEON(8765)

    select * from openquery(MySQLLocal, 'Select * from authors;')


    This is an example for a MySQL linked server. Check BOL for more details.


  • I found that I can get a SELECT statement to execute if I don't specify the catalog:

    SELECT * FROM MySybase..dba.Vendors

    I don't quite understand why that works, but I'm glad it does...

  • Hi

    I´ve a question, i need to connect Pervasive V8.5 with SQL Server 2000 using adlinkserver

    in my Server installed the Pervasive and created an ODBC and my configuration from SQL server is:

    Provider Name = Pervasive.SQL V8 OLE DB Provider

    Product Name = Pervasive

    Data Source = Name_ODBC

    String Provider =

    Server = NameServer

    Catalog =

    and then when i want to open a table show me an error:

    ERROR 7311: No se puede obtener el conjunto de filas de esquema para el proveedor OLE DB 'UNKNOWN'. El proveedor es compatible con la interface pero devuelve en codigo de error cuando se utiliza

    Traza de error OLE DB [OLE/DB Provider 'UNKNOWN' IDBScjemaRowSet::GetRowset returned 0x80040155: ].

    Wath can i Doo????

    Help mi Pls..


  • Steps to Connect Pervasive from SQL

    (1) Make The DSN for pervasive DB

    (2) Run the below SP ‘AddPervasiveDB’ in sql by providing DSN name

    create proc AddPervasiveDB

    @DSN varchar(15)


    if not exists (select '*' from sys.servers where data_source = @DSN)


    exec sp_addlinkedserver @server = 'Pervasive' ,

    @srvproduct = 'Pervasive',

    @provider = 'MSDASQL',

    @datasrc = @DSN



    Print 'The Connection already exists'

    Eg : EXEC AddPervasiveDB ‘test’

  • Not sure if this helps but I can't directly query any Sybase tables that have an underscore in their name but I found a work around.

    I read a blog that mentioned that you can use OpenQuery. Here's a link:

    Good luck to all having this issue!

  • anyone resolved this? i neeed help

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