suspected database but i can''t reset

  • hi there

    Three of my database is shown as suspect in my server. When i am resetting this one , it tells the error "It can only be run on suspected database."  if i put this one to emergency mode i can access the data.

    any one can help me regarding this one

    thanx in advance



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  • If you have three databases in suspect mode using sp_resetstatus is probably not going to work.  sp_resetstatus is going to tell SQL that the data is good, however, the next time it trys to bring the database back online the underlying problem is still there and will be back in suspect mode.

    With three DB's in suspect I would do restores instead of resets, then start looking into the systems hardware and drivers, as there is probably file corruption occuring.

    If you would, please post your hardware/software specs.  Other users using your same setup may have seen problems with suspects or DBCC fails and be able to point you in the right direction.

    Have you had any other problems in the recent past on this server, or is this the first time this has happened?

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