Suppressing default output while manipulating services in powershell

  • Is there a way to suppress this default output that I get while stopping a service?

    __GENUS : 2




    __RELPATH :


    __DERIVATION : {}

    __SERVER :


    __PATH :

    ReturnValue : 0

    __GENUS : 2




    __RELPATH :


    __DERIVATION : {}

    __SERVER :


    __PATH :

    ReturnValue : 0

    Here is how the service is stopped:

    $S = Get-WmiObject `

    -ComputerName $Computer `

    -namespace root\Microsoft\SqlServer\ComputerManagement `

    -class SqlService `

    -Filter $filter


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  • I haven't tried it for your specific code, but piping to out-null should do the job.

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