Summary column values need to be zero not null

  • I have set of subreports each returning a specific group count value with individual WHERE clauses. ISNULL(COUNT(*), 0) is not usefull as if WHERE clause has not data to return the value is always null. How do I respecify it to return zero (0) instead of null for the specific columns list in the below query?

    WITH TotalAssignments


    ( SELECT




    ,ISNULL(COUNT(AssignmentID),'0') AS TotalAssignments

    FROM Reports.InvestigationAssignments

    GROUP BY TeamsRSF,TeamSupervisor,AssignedWorker




    ( SELECT




    ,ISNULL(COUNT(AssignmentID),'0') AS PriorAssigned

    FROM Reports.InvestigationAssignments

    Where (AssignmentStartDate < Convert(char(10),RptFirstDay, 20))

    GROUP BY TeamsRSF,TeamSupervisor,AssignedWorker




    ( SELECT




    ,ISNULL(COUNT(AssignmentID),'0') AS NewAssigned

    FROM Reports.InvestigationAssignments

    Where (AssignmentStartDate >= Convert(char(10),RptFirstDay, 20))

    GROUP BY TeamsRSF,TeamSupervisor,AssignedWorker




    ( SELECT




    ,ISNULL(COUNT(AssignmentID),'0') AS Completed

    FROM Reports.InvestigationAssignments

    WHERE (InvestigationEndDate >= Convert(char(10),RptFirstDay, 20)

    AND InvestigationEndDate <= Convert(char(10),RptLastDay, 20))

    GROUP BY TeamsRSF,TeamSupervisor,AssignedWorker



    ISNULL(IA.TeamsRSF, 'Not Provided') AS 'Teams RSF'

    ,ISNULL(IA.TeamSupervisor, 'Not Provided') AS 'Teams Supervisor'

    ,ISNULL(IA.AssignedWorker, 'Not Provided') AS Worker





    FROM Reports.InvestigationAssignments IA

    LEFT OUTER JOIN TotalAssignments TA

    ON TA.TeamsRSF = IA.TeamsRSF

    AND TA.TeamSupervisor = IA.TeamSupervisor

    AND TA.AssignedWorker = IA.AssignedWorker

    LEFT OUTER JOIN PriorAssigned PA

    ON PA.TeamsRSF = IA.TeamsRSF

    AND PA.TeamSupervisor = IA.TeamSupervisor

    AND PA.AssignedWorker = IA.AssignedWorker

    LEFT OUTER JOIN NewAssigned NA

    ON NA.TeamsRSF = IA.TeamsRSF

    AND NA.TeamSupervisor = IA.TeamSupervisor

    AND NA.AssignedWorker = IA.AssignedWorker

    LEFT OUTER JOIN Completed CA

    ON CA.TeamsRSF = IA.TeamsRSF

    AND CA.TeamSupervisor = IA.TeamSupervisor

    AND CA.AssignedWorker = IA.AssignedWorker

    The Results look like that in the attached .BMP image where the last four columns should be zero not null.

    Ron K.

    "Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand." -- Martin Fowler

  • something along those lines should help:


    ISNULL(IA.TeamsRSF, 'Not Provided') AS 'Teams RSF'

    ,ISNULL(IA.TeamSupervisor, 'Not Provided') AS 'Teams Supervisor'

    ,ISNULL(IA.AssignedWorker, 'Not Provided') AS Worker

    ,ISNULL(TA.TotalAssignments,0) AS TotalAssignments

    ,ISNULL(PA.PriorAssigned,0) AS PriorAssigned

    ,ISNULL(NA.NewAssigned,0) NewAssigned

    ,ISNULL(CA.Completed,0) Completed

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  • DUH! In this case it is sometimes difficult to see the tree because the forest gets in the way.

    Thanks very much!! I spent way too much time on this for something overly obvious.

    Ron K.

    "Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand." -- Martin Fowler

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