Summarise multiple columns to a single results Column - Are there better ways than this? (Fx Trade Amounts to Exposures)

  • Hi,

    Only my second forum post so please don't be too harsh, I've read the forum etiquette notice and tried to follow it but please do not hesitate to let me know where I am falling short and where I need to improve.

    My situation is that I am a new developer with C# & SQL server, converting a legacy application that used Btrieve (a cursor based record management system from the 1980's). The application contains a Foreign Exchange Trade database with a row for each executed deal. I need to take the data from the database and calculate the outstanding exposures i.e. amounts of currency bought and sold.

    The script below creates and populates a stripped down version of the table and then calculates the resultant exposures, returning correctly GBP 100000 & USD -155000.

    But to my newbie eye the script is:

    a) overcomplicated - why do I need to create an intermediate table, can't SQL do this all directly?

    b) contains duplication. In this very simplified model I've removed the WHERE clauses from the Bought currency block and Sold Currency block select statements (marked A & B below). In my current full example these are far from trivial.

    Am I worrying unnecessarily? or is there a much neater way to do this?

    Thanks in advance


    --===== If the test table already exists, drop it

    IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#myTrade','U') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #myTrade

    --===== Create the test table with

    CREATE TABLE #myTrade


    ID INT IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED, --Is an IDENTITY column on real table

    DateValue DATE,

    BuyCurr CHAR(3),

    BuyAmt DECIMAL,

    SellCurr CHAR(3),

    SellAmt DECIMAL


    --===== Setup any special required conditions especially where dates are concerned


    --===== All Inserts into the IDENTITY column


    --===== Insert the test data into the test tables

    INSERT INTO #myTrade

    (ID, DateValue, BuyCurr, BuyAmt, SellCurr, SellAmt)

    SELECT '1','Jul 6 2009','GBP',100000, 'USD', -160000 UNION ALL

    SELECT '2','Jul 7 2009','USD',170000, 'GBP', -100000 UNION ALL

    SELECT '3','Jul 8 2009','GBP',100000, 'USD', -165000


    -- Temp Table to accumulate exposures

    DECLARE @exposure AS TABLE


    Curr CHAR(3),



    -- Fill our temp table

    INSERT INTO @exposure

    -- With our bought currencies - Block A

    SELECT BuyCurr, SUM(BuyAmt) FROM #myTrade

    GROUP BY BuyCurr


    -- And our sold amounts - Block B

    SELECT SellCurr, SUM(SellAmt) FROM #myTrade

    GROUP BY SellCurr

    -- Now return the summarised exposures

    SELECT Curr, SUM(Amt) FROM @exposure

    GROUP BY Curr

  • One trick is to hit the table twice: the first pass selects the 'buy' columns and aliases their names to simply Curr and Amt, and the second pass select the 'sell' columns also aliases their names to simply Curr and Amt.

    UNION ALL the two SELECT statements together, and you have a set ready to be grouped and summed in a single statement.

    This produces the result of getting both 'buy' and 'sell' data into similar columns (not the final result yet):

    SELECT BuyCurr AS Curr, BuyAmt AS Amt

    FROM #myTrade


    SELECT SellCurr AS Curr, SellAmt AS Amt

    FROM #myTrade

    You can select directly from that as a derived table. The result:

    -- Note: Use the code provided in your post to build the #myTrade

    -- sample data table first

    SELECT Curr, SUM(amt)

    FROM ( SELECT BuyCurr AS Curr, BuyAmt AS Amt

    FROM #myTrade


    SELECT SellCurr AS Curr, SellAmt AS Amt

    FROM #myTrade

    ) AS TradeVals

    GROUP BY Curr


    Eddie Wuerch
    MCM: SQL

  • Eddie Wuerch (11/12/2009)

    One trick is to hit the table twice: the first pass selects the 'buy' columns and aliases their names to simply Curr and Amt, and the second pass select the 'sell' columns also aliases their names to simply Curr and Amt.

    UNION ALL the two SELECT statements together, and you have a set ready to be grouped and summed in a single statement.


    Excellent, thanks Eddie, I knew there must be a better way (and also that I did not know what it was)!

    So this removes the explicit need for a temp table, is there any way of using a single "where" clause for both branches of the union (replacing WHERE ALotOfConvolutedLogic below)?


    SELECT Curr, SUM(amt)

    FROM ( SELECT BuyCurr AS Curr, BuyAmt AS Amt

    FROM #myTrade

    WHERE ALotOfConvolutedLogic


    SELECT SellCurr AS Curr, SellAmt AS Amt

    FROM #myTrade

    WHERE ALotOfConvolutedLogic

    ) AS TradeVals

    GROUP BY Curr

  • Do you have any chance to modify the table structure?

    It would be a lot easier to query if you'd have a table with

    ID, DateValue, Curr, and Amt.

    To differentiate between Buy and Sell you could either use the Amt column (>=0 or < 0) or you could add a Flag column Type char(1).

    How do you deal cases where you have more than one Buy or Sale currency per day?



    'Jul 6 2009','GBP',100000

    'Jul 6 2009','USD',100000


    'Jul 6 2009','USD', -160000

    'Jul 6 2009','GBP', -110000

    'Jul 6 2009','EUR',10000

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  • select SUM (e.t) ,curr

    from (select BuyCurr as curr, BuyAmt as t from #myTrade UNION all select sellCurr as curr, sellAmt as t from #myTrade ) as e

    GROUP BY Curr

    i think that may solve the craetion of temparary table problem

    please if it is not usefull tell my why

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