Sum with Multi Category and Group By Acc No ?

  • SELECT SUM(AMOUNT) as SumAmount,TransType_ID,Transaction_AccNo

    FROM Tbl_Transaction

    Group By TransType_ID,Transaction_AccNo

    below is the sql query result

    SumAmount TransType_ID Transaction_AccNo




    Question = i want to show only the Sum Amount With different TransType ID column and group by Acc No? ,example

    SumAmount_TransType_ID_0 SumAmount_TransType_ID_3 SumAmount_TransType_ID_2 Transaction_AccNo

    65000.000 -35157.000 -1872.235 1

    how is the sql query??

  • Hi

    You could try the following. Of course it will only work for the three TransType_IDs

    SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN TransType_ID = 0 THEN AMOUNT ELSE null END) SumAmount_TransType_ID_0

    , SUM(CASE WHEN TransType_ID = 2 THEN AMOUNT ELSE null END) SumAmount_TransType_ID_2

    , SUM(CASE WHEN TransType_ID = 3 THEN AMOUNT ELSE null END) SumAmount_TransType_ID_3

    , Transaction_AccNo

    FROM Tbl_Transaction

    GROUP BY Transaction_AccNo

  • For a dynamic solution, you should read this article:

    Cross Tabs and Pivots, Part 2 - Dynamic Cross Tabs


    And maybe the first part as well.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2


    SUM( case when TransType_ID = 0 then Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Adjustment,

    SUM( case when TransType_ID = 1 then Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Topup,

    SUM( case when TransType_ID = 2 then Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Comm,

    SUM( case when TransType_ID = 3 then Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Transfer,

    SUM( case when TransType_ID = 4 then Amount else 0 end ) as Total_RecvTransfer,

    SUM( case when TransType_ID = 2 AND Tbl_Topup.Topup_Company='M' then Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Maxis,

    SUM( case when TransType_ID = 2 AND Tbl_Topup.Topup_Company='D' then Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Digi,

    SUM( case when TransType_ID = 2 AND Tbl_Topup.Topup_Company='C' then Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Celcom,

    (SELECT Top 1 Amount as Open_Balance)<<---how to do this at here?i want to get the first Amount as Opening Balance

    FROM Tbl_Account

    LEFT JOIN Tbl_Transaction ON Tbl_Account.AccNo = Tbl_Transaction.Transaction_AccNo AND (SELECT convert(Date,Tbl_Transaction.Transaction_Date, 105)) BETWEEN (SELECT convert(Date,'16-9-2012', 105)) AND (SELECT convert(Date,'30-9-2012', 105))

    LEFT JOIN Tbl_Topup ON Tbl_Transaction.Topup_ID=Tbl_Topup.Topup_ID

    Group By Tbl_Account.AccNo

    ORDER BY Tbl_Account.AccNo

  • i totally no idea with this,pls help~!

  • chinye2020 (9/18/2012)

    ...(SELECT Top 1 Amount as Open_Balance)<<---how to do this at here?i want to get the first Amount as Opening Balance


    Write a separate query for this, then integrate it into the main query. We'll help with that part.

    The problem is, "the first Amount" isn't easily understood with the information we have so far. Do you mean the first transaction against an account within the specified date range?

    In the meantime, here's your original query with two key improvements:

    Table aliases used throughout

    Date filter is now SARGable - if there's an index on transaction date, it can now be used.



    SUM( case when t.TransType_ID = 0 then a.Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Adjustment,

    SUM( case when t.TransType_ID = 1 then a.Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Topup,

    SUM( case when t.TransType_ID = 2 then a.Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Comm,

    SUM( case when t.TransType_ID = 3 then a.Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Transfer,

    SUM( case when t.TransType_ID = 4 then a.Amount else 0 end ) as Total_RecvTransfer,

    SUM( case when t.TransType_ID = 2 AND p.Topup_Company='M' then a.Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Maxis,

    SUM( case when t.TransType_ID = 2 AND p.Topup_Company='D' then a.Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Digi,

    SUM( case when t.TransType_ID = 2 AND p.Topup_Company='C' then a.Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Celcom--,

    --(SELECT Top 1 Amount as Open_Balance)<<---how to do this at here?i want to get the first Amount as Opening Balance

    FROM Tbl_Account a

    LEFT JOIN Tbl_Transaction t

    ON a.AccNo = t.Transaction_AccNo

    -- this date arithmetic should provide the same filter as the original

    -- but is SARGable (use Google)

    AND t.Transaction_Date > convert(Date,'16-9-2012', 105)

    AND t.Transaction_Date < convert(Date,'01-10-2012', 105)

    LEFT JOIN Tbl_Topup p ON t.Topup_ID = p.Topup_ID

    Group By a.AccNo

    ORDER BY a.AccNo

    Edit: speling

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • i mean select the top 1 Amount in the sql query

  • chinye2020 (9/19/2012)

    i mean select the top 1 Amount in the sql query

    Ordered by what? Amount? Transaction date?

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • ChrisM@Work (9/19/2012)

    chinye2020 (9/19/2012)

    i mean select the top 1 Amount in the sql query

    Ordered by what? Amount? Transaction date?

    all Sum will according the TrasnType_ID and Acc No, so Result will show the all Acc No and their TransType Total Amount,

    and i just want in the Tbl_Transaction where is Top 1 Amount and show the Top 1 Amount as Opening_Balance, that's all

  • with CTE as








    ORDER BY convert(Date,Transaction_Date, 105)) as RowNum

    from Tbl_Transaction

    where convert(Date,Transaction_Date, 105) BETWEEN '2012-09-1' AND '2012-09-30'




    SUM( case when TransType_ID = 0 then Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Adjustment,

    SUM( case when TransType_ID = 1 then Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Topup,

    SUM( case when TransType_ID = 2 then Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Comm,

    SUM( case when TransType_ID = 3 then Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Transfer,

    SUM( case when TransType_ID = 4 then Amount else 0 end ) as Total_RecvTransfer,

    SUM( case when TransType_ID = 2 AND Tbl_Topup.Topup_Company='M' then Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Maxis,

    SUM( case when TransType_ID = 2 AND Tbl_Topup.Topup_Company='D' then Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Digi,

    SUM( case when TransType_ID = 2 AND Tbl_Topup.Topup_Company='C' then Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Celcom,

    SUM( case when RowNum = 1 then Amount else 0 end) as Open_Balance

    FROM Tbl_Account

    LEFT JOIN CTE ON Tbl_Account.AccNo = CTE.Transaction_AccNo

    LEFT JOIN Tbl_Topup ON CTE.Topup_ID = Tbl_Topup.Topup_ID

    Group By Tbl_Account.AccNo

    ORDER BY Tbl_Account.AccNo

    DONE !, this is select Top 1 Amount,But how to select the LAST Amount as Closing_Balance?



    SUM( case when t.TransType_ID = 0 then t.Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Adjustment,

    SUM( case when t.TransType_ID = 1 then t.Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Topup,

    SUM( case when t.TransType_ID = 2 then t.Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Comm,

    SUM( case when t.TransType_ID = 3 then t.Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Transfer,

    SUM( case when t.TransType_ID = 4 then t.Amount else 0 end ) as Total_RecvTransfer,

    SUM( case when t.TransType_ID = 2 AND p.Topup_Company='M' then t.Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Maxis,

    SUM( case when t.TransType_ID = 2 AND p.Topup_Company='D' then t.Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Digi,

    SUM( case when t.TransType_ID = 2 AND p.Topup_Company='C' then t.Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Celcom,




    FROM Tbl_Account a

    LEFT JOIN Tbl_Transaction t

    ON a.AccNo = t.Transaction_AccNo

    -- this date arithmetic should provide the same filter as the original

    -- but is SARGable (use Google)

    AND t.Transaction_Date > convert(Date,'16-9-2012', 105)

    AND t.Transaction_Date < convert(Date,'01-10-2012', 105)

    LEFT JOIN Tbl_Topup p ON t.Topup_ID = p.Topup_ID

    OUTER APPLY (-- first transaction of the date range, if there is one

    SELECT TOP 1 Open_Balance = ti.Amount

    FROM Tbl_Transaction ti

    WHERE ti.Transaction_AccNo = a.AccNo -- outer ref

    AND ti.Transaction_Date > convert(Date,'16-9-2012', 105)

    AND ti.Transaction_Date < convert(Date,'01-10-2012', 105)

    ORDER BY ti.Transaction_Date

    ) Option1

    OUTER APPLY (-- largest value of a transaction, if there is one

    SELECT TOP 1 Open_Balance = ti.Amount

    FROM Tbl_Transaction ti

    WHERE ti.Transaction_AccNo = a.AccNo -- outer ref

    AND ti.Transaction_Date > convert(Date,'16-9-2012', 105)

    AND ti.Transaction_Date < convert(Date,'01-10-2012', 105)

    ORDER BY ti.Amount DESC

    ) Option2

    CROSS APPLY ( -- SUM of all the amounts prior to date range

    SELECT Open_Balance = SUM(ti.Amount)

    FROM Tbl_Transaction ti

    WHERE ti.Transaction_AccNo = a.AccNo -- outer ref

    AND ti.Transaction_Date <= convert(Date,'16-9-2012', 105)

    ) Option3

    Group By a.AccNo

    ORDER BY a.AccNo

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • chinye2020 (9/19/2012)


    DONE !, this is select Top 1 Amount,But how to select the LAST Amount as Closing_Balance?

    Performance will be very poor. What datatype is Tbl_Transaction.Transaction_Date?

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • with CTE as








    ORDER BY Transaction_Date) as RowNum,


    ORDER BY Transaction_Date DESC) as LastRowNum

    from Tbl_Transaction

    where convert(Date,Transaction_Date, 105) BETWEEN '2012-09-16' AND '2012-09-30'




    SUM( case when TransType_ID = 0 then Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Adjustment,

    SUM( case when TransType_ID = 1 then Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Topup,

    SUM( case when TransType_ID = 2 then Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Comm,

    SUM( case when TransType_ID = 3 then Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Transfer,

    SUM( case when TransType_ID = 4 then Amount else 0 end ) as Total_RecvTransfer,

    SUM( case when TransType_ID = 2 AND Tbl_Topup.Topup_Company='M' then Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Maxis,

    SUM( case when TransType_ID = 2 AND Tbl_Topup.Topup_Company='D' then Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Digi,

    SUM( case when TransType_ID = 2 AND Tbl_Topup.Topup_Company='C' then Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Celcom,

    SUM( case when RowNum = 1 then Before_Amount else 0 end) as Open_Balance,

    SUM( case when LastRowNum = 1 then After_Amount else 0 end) as Close_Balance

    FROM Tbl_Account

    LEFT JOIN CTE ON Tbl_Account.AccNo = CTE.Transaction_AccNo

    LEFT JOIN Tbl_Topup ON CTE.Topup_ID = Tbl_Topup.Topup_ID

    Group By Tbl_Account.AccNo

    ORDER BY Tbl_Account.AccNo


  • chinye2020 (9/19/2012)



    That's not opening and closing balance - it's simply the amounts of the first and last transactions in the date range.











    Option3.Open_Balance + t.TransactionsForPeriod AS ClosingBalance

    FROM Tbl_Account a




    SUM(d.Amount) AS TransactionsForPeriod,

    SUM( case when d.TransType_ID = 0 then d.Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Adjustment,

    SUM( case when d.TransType_ID = 1 then d.Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Topup,

    SUM( case when d.TransType_ID = 2 then d.Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Comm,

    SUM( case when d.TransType_ID = 3 then d.Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Transfer,

    SUM( case when d.TransType_ID = 4 then d.Amount else 0 end ) as Total_RecvTransfer,

    SUM( case when d.TransType_ID = 2 AND d.Topup_Company = 'M' then d.Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Maxis,

    SUM( case when d.TransType_ID = 2 AND d.Topup_Company = 'D' then d.Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Digi,

    SUM( case when d.TransType_ID = 2 AND d.Topup_Company = 'C' then d.Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Celcom

    FROM (





    Amount = SUM(ti.Amount)

    FROM Tbl_Transaction ti

    LEFT JOIN Tbl_Topup p ON p.Topup_ID = t.Topup_ID

    WHERE ti.Transaction_Date >= convert(Date,'2012-09-1', 105)

    AND ti.Transaction_Date < convert(Date,'2012-10-01', 105)

    GROUP BY ti.Transaction_AccNo, ti.TransType_ID, p.Topup_Company

    ) d

    GROUP BY d.Transaction_AccNo

    ) t

    ON t.Transaction_AccNo = a.AccNo

    OUTER APPLY ( -- SUM of all the amounts prior to date range


    Open_Balance = SUM(ti.Amount)

    FROM Tbl_Transaction ti

    WHERE ti.Transaction_AccNo = a.AccNo -- outer ref

    AND ti.Transaction_Date < convert(Date,'2012-09-1', 105)

    ) Option3

    ORDER BY a.AccNo

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • ChrisM@Work (9/19/2012)

    chinye2020 (9/19/2012)



    That's not opening and closing balance - it's simply the amounts of the first and last transactions in the date range.











    Option3.Open_Balance + t.TransactionsForPeriod AS ClosingBalance

    FROM Tbl_Account a




    SUM(d.Amount) AS TransactionsForPeriod,

    SUM( case when d.TransType_ID = 0 then d.Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Adjustment,

    SUM( case when d.TransType_ID = 1 then d.Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Topup,

    SUM( case when d.TransType_ID = 2 then d.Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Comm,

    SUM( case when d.TransType_ID = 3 then d.Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Transfer,

    SUM( case when d.TransType_ID = 4 then d.Amount else 0 end ) as Total_RecvTransfer,

    SUM( case when d.TransType_ID = 2 AND d.Topup_Company = 'M' then d.Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Maxis,

    SUM( case when d.TransType_ID = 2 AND d.Topup_Company = 'D' then d.Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Digi,

    SUM( case when d.TransType_ID = 2 AND d.Topup_Company = 'C' then d.Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Celcom

    FROM (





    Amount = SUM(ti.Amount)

    FROM Tbl_Transaction ti

    LEFT JOIN Tbl_Topup p ON p.Topup_ID = t.Topup_ID

    WHERE ti.Transaction_Date >= convert(Date,'2012-09-1', 105)

    AND ti.Transaction_Date < convert(Date,'2012-10-01', 105)

    GROUP BY ti.Transaction_AccNo, ti.TransType_ID, p.Topup_Company

    ) d

    GROUP BY d.Transaction_AccNo

    ) t

    ON t.Transaction_AccNo = a.AccNo

    OUTER APPLY ( -- SUM of all the amounts prior to date range


    Open_Balance = SUM(ti.Amount)

    FROM Tbl_Transaction ti

    WHERE ti.Transaction_AccNo = a.AccNo -- outer ref

    AND ti.Transaction_Date < convert(Date,'2012-09-1', 105)

    ) Option3

    ORDER BY a.AccNo

    This work perfectly like the CTE, well done, but, how to edit sql query only show AccNo <> 1 ??












    Option3.Open_Balance + t.TransactionsForPeriod AS ClosingBalance

    FROM Tbl_Account a WHERE A.AccNo <> 1 <---- add at here??? ERROR ...




    SUM(d.Amount) AS TransactionsForPeriod,

    SUM( case when d.TransType_ID = 0 then d.Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Adjustment,

    SUM( case when d.TransType_ID = 1 then d.Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Topup,

    SUM( case when d.TransType_ID = 2 then d.Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Comm,

    SUM( case when d.TransType_ID = 3 then d.Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Transfer,

    SUM( case when d.TransType_ID = 4 then d.Amount else 0 end ) as Total_RecvTransfer,

    SUM( case when d.TransType_ID = 2 AND d.Topup_Company = 'M' then d.Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Maxis,

    SUM( case when d.TransType_ID = 2 AND d.Topup_Company = 'D' then d.Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Digi,

    SUM( case when d.TransType_ID = 2 AND d.Topup_Company = 'C' then d.Amount else 0 end ) as Total_Celcom

    FROM (





    Amount = SUM(ti.Amount)

    FROM Tbl_Transaction ti

    LEFT JOIN Tbl_Topup p ON p.Topup_ID = ti.Topup_ID

    where convert(Date,ti.Transaction_Date, 105) BETWEEN convert(Date,'16-09-2012', 105) AND convert(Date,'30-09-2012', 105)

    GROUP BY ti.Transaction_AccNo, ti.TransType_ID, p.Topup_Company

    ) d

    GROUP BY d.Transaction_AccNo

    ) t

    ON t.Transaction_AccNo = a.AccNo

    OUTER APPLY ( -- SUM of all the amounts prior to date range


    Top 1 Before_Amount as Open_Balance

    FROM Tbl_Transaction ti

    WHERE ti.Transaction_AccNo = a.AccNo -- outer ref

    AND convert(Date,ti.Transaction_Date, 105) BETWEEN convert(Date,'16-09-2012', 105) AND convert(Date,'30-09-2012', 105)

    ORDER BY Transaction_Date

    ) Option3

    ORDER BY a.AccNo

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