Sum time which is in time format

  • Hello,

    I am having issues with calculating sum of time which is time format.

    The regular sum does not seem to work.

    Any help is appreciated.


  • I could get to sum time with the following expression


  • I have a feild in a table of type varchar that contains time as


    e.g 73:59:59 or 144:44:59

    What I want is to get time in hours, can anyone help me write a query???

  • CREATE FUNCTION fnReturnTotalHoursFromTime(

    @p varchar(14)


    RETURNS decimal(20,6)



    DECLARE @hoursColon tinyint, @hours decimal(12,6), @minsColon tinyint, @mins decimal(6,4), @seconds decimal (8,6)

    SELECT @hoursColon = CHARINDEX(':',@p) --Find 1st colon

    SELECT @hours = SUBSTRING(@p,1, @hoursColon -1) --Take all data before the first colon

    SELECT @minsColon = CHARINDEX(':', @p, @hoursColon +1 ) --Find position of second colon

    SELECT @mins = SUBSTRING(@p, @hoursColon +1, @minsColon - @hoursColon -1 ) --Take everything between first and second colon

    SELECT @seconds = SUBSTRING(@p, @minsColon + 1, len(@p) - @minsColon) --Find seconds

    RETURN (@hours) + (@mins / 60) + (@seconds / 3600)


    Then slot that into your select query / stored procedure: SELECT dbo.fnReturnTotalHoursFromTime('4445:44:55') => 4445.748611

  • qamar 52306 (9/7/2012)

    I have a feild in a table of type varchar that contains time as


    e.g 73:59:59 or 144:44:59

    What I want is to get time in hours, can anyone help me write a query???

    Whole hours? Decimal hours? Hours rounded to the nearest minute, second or ???

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
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    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

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