Sum the MAX

  • SELECT MAX(month_end),sum(num_units) from active_Units_Static where month_end >= '1/1/2002' and month_end <= '12/31/2002'

    I want the sum of the month_end on the largest date. This select statement sums everything and not just the max records. IS it possible to get the sum of the max'd records. If not, then I could hard code the years by terminal number.


  • Will something like this work for you:

    SELECT MAX(month_end),sum(num_units) from active_Units_Static where month_end = (select max(month_end) from active_Units_Static)

    Gregory A. Larsen, DBA

    Contributor to 'The Best of 2002' book. Get a copy here:

    Need SQL Server Examples check out my website at

    Gregory A. Larsen, MVP

  • Hmm no, I need it per year by terminal summed up.Pretty much I just want a sum of the number as its part of a bigger query.

    so if w/o the sum portion I get

    termnum total Units

    123 50

    456 100

    678 1

    What I am looking for is:




    Edited by - matt101 on 12/16/2003 1:13:41 PM

  • Have you considered using datepart(yy,month_end) somewhere in your query, and/or the group by clause possible

    Gregory A. Larsen, DBA

    Contributor to 'The Best of 2002' book. Get a copy here:

    Need SQL Server Examples check out my website at

    Gregory A. Larsen, MVP

  • Yes, I have I am only working with 1 year for now. Once I get the query working to actually show me the number I am looking for, I will be implementing that and it should work with ease but right now I am focusing on how to get the max date per terminal summed up which is the real issue at the moment.


  • Matt, something like...

    SELECT Terminal, Key_month_end, SUM(num_units)
    FROM active_Units_Static A
    JOIN (
    SELECT Terminal, MAX(month_end) as Key_month_end
    FROM active_Units_Static
    where month_end >= '1/1/2002' and month_end <= '12/31/2002'
    GROUP BY Terminal
    ) B
    ON A.Terminal = B.Terminal
    AND A.month_end = B.Key_month_end
    GROUP BY A.Terminal, B.Key_month_end

    If you want to group on an aggregate you may need to query the table twice (as my example).

    Once you understand the BITs, all the pieces come together

  • Wouldn't a classic group by work?

    I don't know your data types - it would help next time if you show a create table script.

    Assuming month_end as datetime (why would every day be called month_end?):

    --note: it could be done in one select, but it's more clear & easier to modify when split

    --create temp table
    create table #t
    (me tinyint,
    yr int,
    nu money

    --select, group by date, get year in case needed in future
    insert #t
    select month(month_end), year(month_end), sum(num_units) from active_Units_Static
    where year(month_end) = 1996
    group by month(month_end),year(month_end)

    --for last day of month
    select dateadd(day,-1,dateadd(month,me,'01/01/' + cast(yr as char(4)))) as LastDay,
    nu as [Sum of units]
    from #t
    order by LastDay

    -- for last day with data
    select max(month_end) as LastDay, nu as [Sum of units]
    from #t t join active_Units_Static a on
    t.yr = year(month_end) and = month(month_end)
    group by nu
    order by LastDay

    Hope that helps!

    The only normal people are those you don't know well - Oscar Wilde

    Data: Easy to spill, hard to clean up!

  • Wow - the internet went down for a few minutes - and when my reply posts there's already 4 more!

    Data: Easy to spill, hard to clean up!

  • Thanks Thomas, that worked and now thats cool how that works.

    Stubob: Thanks for your idea, its a bit long winded and no I cant just use a group by because the SUM portion sums everything between the date range and not just the max which is why posted here. I did take your Year(month_end) because it made my code slightly easier to read considering this is part of of a much larger select statement.


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