sum of sales 2 dates

  • if object_id( 'tempdb..#anchorj') is not null begin drop table #anchorj end

    create table #anchorj ( ID varchar(10),anchor sales date date)

    User ID Sales Date

    S12 3/12/2015

    S13 4/5/2017

    S14 2/15/2016

    S15 1/1/2017

    S16 5/4/2014

    S17 3/24/2017

    S18 2/6/2015

    S19 4/18/2017

    S20 6/2/2015

    S21 7/5/2016

    S22 8/2/2015

    S23 8/2/2018

    Select Distinct

    User ID, sum ( sales_amt) as totalspend, sales date, DateADD( year,1,sales date) as year1date

    from #anchorj

    left join sales detail v ON (v.ID= User ID)

    Group by

    ID, SalesDate


    Ideally I would like ( UserID,Sales Date, Year1date, Sum of sales between dates) This query had gotten me close but still isnt where I need it. Any thoughts?

  • drop table if exists #anchorj;
    create table #anchorj(
    UserId varchar(10),
    SalesDate date,
    SalesAmount int);

    insert #anchorj(UserId, SalesDate, SalesAmount) values
    ('S12', '3/12/2015', round(rand()*100,0)),
    ('S12', '3/14/2018', round(rand()*100,0)),
    ('S13', '4/5/2017', round(rand()*100,0)),
    ('S14', '2/15/2016', round(rand()*100,0)),
    ('S14', '2/16/2015', round(rand()*100,0)),
    ('S14', '2/17/2018', round(rand()*100,0)),
    ('S14', '2/18/2017', round(rand()*100,0)),
    ('S15', '1/1/2017', round(rand()*100,0)),
    ('S16', '5/4/2014', round(rand()*100,0)),
    ('S16', '5/5/2017', round(rand()*100,0)),
    ('S17', '3/24/2017', round(rand()*100,0)),
    ('S18', '2/6/2015', round(rand()*100,0)),
    ('S19', '4/18/2017', round(rand()*100,0)),
    ('S20', '6/2/2015', round(rand()*100,0)),
    ('S21', '7/5/2016', round(rand()*100,0)),
    ('S22', '8/2/2015', round(rand()*100,0)),
    ('S22', '8/3/2015', round(rand()*100,0)),
    ('S22', '8/4/2017', round(rand()*100,0)),
    ('S22', '8/5/2018', round(rand()*100,0)),
    ('S23', '8/2/2018', round(rand()*100,0));
    --select * from #anchorj; /* it worked but the date format should be YYYY-MM-DD or YYYYMMDD */

    with enr_dt_cte(UserId, min_SalesDate) as (
    select UserId, min(SalesDate) from #anchorj group by UserId)
    datefromparts(year(a.SalesDate), month(a.SalesDate), 1) SalesMonth,
    sum(a.SalesAmount) Total,
    sum(iif(d.year_group=0, a.SalesAmount, 0)) [Year 1],
    sum(iif(d.year_group=1, a.SalesAmount, 0)) [Year 2],
    sum(iif(d.year_group=2, a.SalesAmount, 0)) [Year 3],
    sum(iif(d.year_group>2, a.SalesAmount, 0)) [Year 4+]
    #anchorj a
    enr_dt_cte edc on a.UserId=edc.UserId
    cross apply
    (values (datediff(year, edc.min_SalesDate, a.SalesDate))) as d(year_group)
    group by
    datefromparts(year(a.SalesDate), month(a.SalesDate), 1);

    Aus dem Paradies, das Cantor uns geschaffen, soll uns niemand vertreiben können

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