January 24, 2005 at 4:23 pm
I am looking for a lead or a psuedo sql to perform the following: I have a sales header and sales detail tables. The detail table contains a record for each individual item scanned (qty, price, etc.), whereas the header contains the total for that sale and other aggregate info. The information I need is to find the headers that have a particular item X in its detail transactions (and nothing else), and the sum of the price for all instances of item X under that header is > 0.
Here are general table definitions, and sample data :
Header :
HeaderID Sum
100 50
200 10
300 50
400 15
Detail :
HeaderId DetailId Item Price
100 1001 X 10
100 1002 X 10
100 1003 X -20
100 1004 Y 50
200 2001 X 10
200 2002 X 10
300 3001 Y 50
400 4001 X 5
400 4002 Y 10
In this example the query should only return Header 200, since in header 100, sum (price) of X is 0 (10+10-20) hence excluded, and header 300 has no detail records with item X. Though Header 400 has sum of X item sales > 0, it also has Y item sale under the same header hence does not qualify. I am having trouble with how I am going to construct an exists clause that uses aggregates (sum(price) ). Both the tables are fairly huge (over 50 mil headers and 500 million details). I appreciate any help.
January 24, 2005 at 4:43 pm
Select HeaderID
From Header As h
Where HeaderID In (
Select HeaderID
From Detail
Where Item = 'X'
Group By HeaderID
Having Sum(Price) > 0
And Not Exists (
Select *
From Detail As d
Where d.HeaderId = h.HeaderID
And d.Item <> 'X'
[Edit] Ugh. Just re-read the part about 500 million detail rows. Maybe 2 sub-queries isn't optimal.
This might perform better:
Select HeaderID
From Header As h
Where HeaderID In (
Select HeaderID
From Detail
Group By HeaderID
Having Sum( Case Item When 'X' Then Price Else 0 End ) > 0
And Count(*) = Sum( Case Item When 'X' Then 1 Else 0 End )
1st part of the having ensures Sum of only X items is greater than zero. 2nd part ensures only 'X' is in the details for a given header.
January 25, 2005 at 9:07 am
Thank you, you have set me in the right direction.
Is there "ever" a way to use aggregates in the exists clasue, like this?
(I do not think so, but want to be sure)
SELECT .....
FROM .......Details AI
FROM Details AIC
January 25, 2005 at 9:16 am
No, the problem is that Exists is testing for existence of at least 1 record, but when you use an aggregate like SUM(), without a Having clause, you always get a record in the result set.
That's why you need to use Having in order to produce an empty record set if the aggregates do not return the desired values.
January 25, 2005 at 3:40 pm
Because of several conditions may affect the performance on such large table you can try also a modified version of PW solution
Select HeaderID
From Header As h
Where HeaderID In (
Select HeaderID
From Detail
Group By HeaderID
Count(distinct Item) = 1
And Min(Item) = 'X'
And Sum(price) > 0 )
* Noel
January 25, 2005 at 11:25 pm
Here is another solution involving just joins
select h.headerid,h.[sum]
from header h
inner join
(select distinct b.headerid as bHID, b.item as bItem
from detail b
inner join
(select a.hid, count(*) as ItemsSold
from (select distinct headerid as hid,item as itemid from detail ) a
group by hid
having count(*)=1) c
on c.hid = b.headerid) d
on h.headerid=d.bHID
where d.bItem='X'
and h.[sum] >0
-- list headers, and their items
select distinct headerid as hid,item as itemid from detail
-- determine headers with 1 item
select a.hid, count(*) as ItemsSold
from (select distinct headerid as hid,item as itemid from detail ) a
group by hid
having count(*)=1
-- join with the detail table to pick up the item column that will be used to --- select the specific item later on
select distinct b.headerid as bHID, b.item as bItem
from detail b
inner join
(select a.hid, count(*) as ItemsSold
from (select distinct headerid as hid,item as itemid from detail ) a
group by hid
having count(*)=1) c
on c.hid = b.headerid
-- now join with the header and apply qualifying conditions
select h.headerid,h.[sum]
from header h
inner join
(select distinct b.headerid as bHID, b.item as bItem
from detail b
inner join
(select a.hid, count(*) as ItemsSold
from (select distinct headerid as hid,item as itemid from detail ) a
group by hid
having count(*)=1) c
on c.hid = b.headerid) d
on h.headerid=d.bHID
where d.bItem='X'
and h.[sum] >0
January 26, 2005 at 7:39 am
Volume will be the killer here.
Whatever solution you use must at least aggregate the Detail table. So the choice is where and when. I see two possibilities.
Create a sub query (or create a temp table which may work faster) to aggregate Details collecting count of X and Y plus SUM(Price), join this to Header with the conditions you require.
Join the two tables together, group by HeaderID and aggregate as above (but will have to use CASE statements) and add a HAVING clause to do the criteria
Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.
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