October 9, 2007 at 9:11 am
I have an code that breaks down sales by state and compares totals from last year with this year, per month with a YTD total comparison. I need the totals of each month calculated.
this is an example code with only one month.
I have tried a couple of different things but cant get it to display the information I need.
Anyone have nay advice?
set transaction isolation level read uncommitted
set nocount on
SELECT (CASE WHEN c.CustomerClass1 = 'I' THEN 'International' ELSE 'Domestic' END) AS DomesticInternational, h.ShipToDeliveryLocationState,
DATEPART(yyyy, h.InvoiceDate) AS theYear,
SUM(CASE WHEN DatePart(MM, h.InvoiceDate) = 1 THEN (CASE WHEN h.InvoiceType = 'R' THEN l.ShipQuantity * - 1 ELSE l.ShipQuantity END) ELSE 0 END) AS January,
SUM(CASE WHEN DatePart(MM, h.InvoiceDate) <= DatePart(MM, GetDate()) THEN (CASE WHEN h.InvoiceType = 'R' THEN l.ShipQuantity * - 1 ELSE l.ShipQuantity END) ELSE 0 END) AS YTDTotal
FROM FS_ARInvoiceLine l
-- join invoice lines
INNER JOIN FS_ARInvoiceHeader h (nolock)
ON h.ARInvoiceHeaderKey = l.ARInvoiceHeaderKey
-- join customer master
INNER JOIN FS_Customer c (nolock)
ON c.CustomerKey = l.CustomerKey
-- join order lines
INNER JOIN FS_ARCustomerOrderHeader o (nolock)
ON o.ARCustomerOrderHeaderKey = l.ARCustomerOrderHeaderKey
-- join item master
LEFT OUTER JOIN FS_Item i (nolock)
ON i.ItemKey = l.ItemKey
-- join customer description
INNER JOIN STSS_CustomerClassDescription CC (nolock)
ON CC.CustomerClass1 = c.CustomerClass1
WHERE (DATEPART(yyyy, h.InvoiceDate) = DATEPART(yyyy, GETDATE()) OR
DATEPART(yyyy, h.InvoiceDate) = DATEPART(yyyy, GETDATE()) - 1 OR
DATEPART(yyyy, h.InvoiceDate) = DATEPART(yyyy, GETDATE()) - 0 OR
DATEPART(yyyy, h.InvoiceDate) = DATEPART(yyyy, GETDATE()) - 0) AND (i.ItemReference2 = '55') AND (h.InvoiceStatus IN ('N', 'P', 'Y')) AND
(dbo.STSS_GetSaleType(c.CustomerID, c.CustomerClass2) = 'Distinguished Sales')
GROUP BY (CASE WHEN c.CustomerClass1 = 'I' THEN 'International' ELSE 'Domestic' END), h.ShipToDeliveryLocationState, DATEPART(yyyy, h.InvoiceDate)
ORDER BY (CASE WHEN c.CustomerClass1 = 'I' THEN 'International' ELSE 'Domestic' END), h.ShipToDeliveryLocationState, DATEPART(yyyy, h.InvoiceDate) DESC
October 9, 2007 at 10:28 am
There are a few options to look at. First thought is that you need to incorporate the month component into the grouping, or you will be generating one number at a time. something like - group by YYYYMM of the date (makes your compares to previous year easy.)
Second - what's the expected output needed? I'm seeing two options:
Year Month monthlytotal LastYearMonth
2007 01 12345 23456
YTD 99999 888888
YEAR MONTH monthlytotal lastyearmonthly YTD LastYearYTD
Finally - try to post some specific DDL info about the relevant data.
I hope you're not averse to pregenerating some data (even if you refresh on the fly), cause this could really use it.
Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?
October 9, 2007 at 11:18 am
D or I State theyear YTD Totals Jan Feb Mar Apr May June
DomesticAL2007 4 276 1 3 15
DomesticAL2006 1 001 0 0 0
This is the output of y query as of now.
I have the YTD - totals of each year, but what I also need the totals for YTD and each month.
any suggestions?
October 9, 2007 at 12:06 pm
not sure I fully understand all of the criteria on qualifying sales, but here's a rough sketch.
The current best way to do this is to pre-generate the monthly and YTD totals, then correlate them.
Create table salesbymonth (CustClass1 char, locstate char(2),yr int, YearMonth int, PrevYearMonth int,MonthTotal Money,YTDTotal money)
--create the monthly total
insert into salesbymonth (CustClass1, locstate,yr, YearMonth, PrevYearMonth ,MonthTotal )
select case when c.customerclass1='I' then 'I' else 'D' end, h.ShipToDeliveryLocationState,datepart(yy,invoicedate),left(convert(char,InvoiceDate,112),6),left(convert(char,dateadd(yy,-1,InvoiceDate),112),6), sum(CASE WHEN h.InvoiceType = 'R' THEN l.ShipQuantity * - 1 ELSE l.ShipQuantity END)
FROM FS_ARInvoiceLine l
-- join invoice lines
INNER JOIN FS_ARInvoiceHeader h (nolock)
ON h.ARInvoiceHeaderKey = l.ARInvoiceHeaderKey
-- join customer master
INNER JOIN FS_Customer c (nolock)
ON c.CustomerKey = l.CustomerKey
-- join item master
LEFT OUTER JOIN FS_Item i (nolock)
(h.InvoiceStatus IN ('N', 'P', 'Y')) AND
(dbo.STSS_GetSaleType(c.CustomerID, c.CustomerClass2) = 'Distinguished Sales')
--get set up to create the YTD values
Create index SalesByMonth_ix on SalesByMonth(CustClass,locstate,yearmonth)
Create index SalesByMonth_pix on SalesByMonth(CustClass,locstate,Prevyearmonth)
declare @previd int
declare @runsales money
set @previd=0
set @runsales=0
--set up the YTD values
update salesbymonth
set @runsales=YTDTotal=case when @previd=yr then @runsales else 0 end+MonthTotal,
from salesbymonth with (index(SalesByMonth_ix),tablock)
---and now - for the results
curr.customerclass1,curr.yearmonth,curr.monthtotal CurrentMonthtotal, prev.monthtotal PrevMonthTotal,curr.YTDTotal currentYTD, prev.YTDTotal PrevYTDTotal
from salesbymonth curr inner join salesbymonth prev
on curr.customerclass1=prev.customerclass1 and curr.locstate=prev.locstate and curr.prevmonth=prev.yearmonth
Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?
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