Suggestion pls.

  • I have a SQL 2000 DB that its MDF file is growing at a rate of 1 GB per day,

    I currently have it set up to unrestricted growth by 50 MB. Should I increase that growth to 1 GB?

    what would the impact of this change be?

    Please suggestion me, I want to change current setting of database, and what should i setting up autogrowth for MDF?

    Currently DB size is - 296GB.

    Freespace in HD - 378 GB

    Thanks in advance - SQLDBAs

  • No, changing the autogrowth will result in your db growing by 1 gb everytime it goes over its size, althought the space needed might be 1mb? You'll reserver space for future changes you are not yet certain of.

    With 1gb growth, I'd change it to 100mb Autogrow....

    Its fine as is, except if you pick up performance issues when doing bulk insert for example...

    other suggestions DBA's?

    This thing is addressing problems that dont exist. Its solution-ism at its worst. We are dumbing down machines that are inherently superior. - Gilfoyle

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