suggestion -- handling BIG SQL error log

  • It would be wonderful if when your SQL Error Log was 314.15926 MB long, you had the option of just reading the "Last [N] Lines", and not have to wait an eternity for the file to load and your machine to run out of memory...

    - john


  • Use any Windows implementation of tail, for instance by installing Cygwin.

  • And do every night something like:

    exec dbspCheckErrorLog 500000


    CREATE procedure dbspCheckErrorLog

    @limit float = 1000000


    declare @size float

    create table #logs

    ( Lognum int

    , Logdate varchar(22)

    , Size float


    insert into #logs exec master..xp_enumerrorlogs

    select @size = size from #logs where LogNum = 0

    if @size > @limit begin

       print'Errorlog size is ' + ltrim(str(@size)) + ' Bytes, limit is ' + ltrim(str(@limit)) + ' Bytes. Log will be cycled...'

      exec sp_cycle_errorlog



      print 'Errorlog size is ' + ltrim(str(@size)) + ' Bytes, limit is ' + Ltrim(str(@limit)) + ' Bytes. Log not cycled.'

    drop table #logs





    Best regards

  • You could just run EXEC master..xp_readerrorlog instead of loading it into EM to read.  You could also schedule a weekly job using dbcc errorlog to help maintain the size.  You can even increase the number of log files you want to keep....


  • Here's what I do....



    Then I go to the folder where the error logs are stored and open the one I need in notepad.


  • OK, thanks for the suggestions all.

    - john

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