October 21, 2008 at 9:58 am
I have an imported record set where the name is just one field in a table. I need to split it out to last,first,middle.
Here is what data looks like
123 Watkins, Glen Mark
133 Smith, Jerome Alan
I tried this but not there yet, what am I missing
select id, substring (iname, 1, patindex( '%,%' , iname) -1 ) 'lastname'
,left(substring (iname, patindex( '%, %', iname) + 1, len(iname)),1)'firstname',
substring (iname, patindex( '% %', iname) + 1, len(iname))'middlename'
FROM table
October 21, 2008 at 10:26 am
In your formula for firstname, you have PATINDEX looking for '%, %', but then taking the 1st LEFT letter, so it will always be returning the space after the comma.
In your formula for middlename, you have PATINDEX looking for '% %' which will find the first space, which is after the last name. CHARINDEX may be easier to use here, because you can specify a start location
October 21, 2008 at 11:07 am
here's my attempt, after pondering this over lunch:
SELECT id, LEFT(iname, CommaLoc-1) AS lastname,
SUBSTRING(iname, CommaLoc + 2, Space2Loc - CommaLoc - 1) AS firstname,
SUBSTRING(iname, Space2Loc + 1, NameLen - Space2Loc) AS middlename
FROM (SELECT id, iname,
LEN(iname) AS NameLen,
CHARINDEX(',', iname) AS CommaLoc,
CHARINDEX(' ', iname, CHARINDEX(',', iname) + 2) AS Space2Loc
FROM #bogus2) sq
October 21, 2008 at 8:36 pm
This is actually a tough question as you never know how the names are formatted or if there are two names for the last name such as "Van Allen".
Here is a partial query for getting just the last name. It doesn't solve the issue of a name like 'Jerome Jack Van Allen' or 'Jerome Van Allen' so I'll leave it up to you to figure that out. 🙂
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Foo') IS NOT NULL
ID int,
FullName varchar(255)
INSERT INTO #Foo(ID, FullName)
SELECT 123, 'Watkins, Glen Mark'
UNION SELECT 133,'Smith, Jerome Alan'
UNION SELECT 134,'Van Allan, Jerome'
UNION SELECT 135,'Jerome Van Allan'
UNION SELECT 136,'Jerome Jack Van Allan'
UNION SELECT 137,'Van Allan, Jerome Jack'
LastName = CASE PATINDEX('%,%', FullName)
WHEN 0 -- We dont have a comma
WHEN 0 THEN FullName -- No comma or space so return everything
ELSE -- no comma but have a space so get everything after the first space
SUBSTRING( FullName, PATINDEX('%,%', FullName) + 1, LEN(FullName))
ELSE SUBSTRING(FullName, 1, PATINDEX('%,%', FullName) - 1)
Gary Johnson
Sr Database Engineer
October 21, 2008 at 11:19 pm
timscronin (10/21/2008)
I have an imported record set where the name is just one field in a table. I need to split it out to last,first,middle.Here is what data looks like
123 Watkins, Glen Mark
133 Smith, Jerome Alan
I tried this but not there yet, what am I missing
select id, substring (iname, 1, patindex( '%,%' , iname) -1 ) 'lastname'
,left(substring (iname, patindex( '%, %', iname) + 1, len(iname)),1)'firstname',
substring (iname, patindex( '% %', iname) + 1, len(iname))'middlename'
FROM table
Please let me know the standard name format
kshitij kumar
October 21, 2008 at 11:45 pm
Try the following code. Just make sure there's a single comma that separate last name from fist and middle names
set nocount on
declare @tblName table (id int, names varchar(50))
insert into @tblName values (123, 'Watkins, Glen Mark')
insert into @tblName values (133, 'Smith, Jerome Alan')
insert into @tblName values (133, 'Kent, Clark')
insert into @tblName values (133, 'Van Allen, Don Martin')
SUBSTRING(names,1, CHARINDEX(',',names,0)-1) as lastname,
rtrim(SUBSTRING(ltrim(substring(names, CHARINDEX(',',names,0)+ 1, len(names))), 1, case when CHARINDEX(' ', ltrim(substring(names, CHARINDEX(',',names,0)+ 1, len(names))),0) > 0 then CHARINDEX(' ', ltrim(substring(names, CHARINDEX(',',names,0)+ 1, len(names))),0) else LEN(names) end)) as firstname,
middlename =
case when CHARINDEX(' ', ltrim(substring(names, CHARINDEX(',',names,0)+ 1, len(names))),0) > 0 then
ltrim(rtrim(substring(names, len(SUBSTRING(names,1, CHARINDEX(',',names,0)) + SUBSTRING(ltrim(substring(names, CHARINDEX(',',names,0)+3, len(names))), 1, case when CHARINDEX(' ', ltrim(substring(names, CHARINDEX(',',names,0)+ 1, len(names))),0) > 0 then CHARINDEX(' ', ltrim(substring(names, CHARINDEX(',',names,0)+ 1, len(names))),0) else LEN(names) end)) + 1, len(names))))
from @tblname
Happy Coding!
-- CK
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