Subscriptions - Failure sending mail. 'Include Link' works, 'Include Report' does not.

  • Hi Everyone

    I'm hoping you can help me, I've followed most links on the net and decided to post.

    SQL 2008 R2

    Local SMTP service on server.

    Sending subscription

    'Include Link' works, 'Include Report' does not. Tried different rending formats.

    Error reported is The report server has encountered a configuration error. Mail will not be resent.

    Thank you

  • Have u set the Email settings in the Reporting Services Configuration Manager.

  • Hi, thank you for the reply. Yes, I have as I'm getting an e-mail - but only if I select 'include link' - it's just not working when I select 'include report'.

  • Getting same sort of issue. Below is the error.

    Failure sending mail: The report server has encountered a configuration error. Mail will not be resent.”

  • Issue resolved after changing the reporting service account to domain account

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