Subscription only works internally, not to external email addresses

  • Thanks in advance for your help!  We have recently upgraded to SQL2005 and implemented RS but we are small and have no IT staff, so we are trying to figure this all out.  We use an external provider for our email.  We set up subscriptions to automotically send out our reports and they work if we send them to ourselves (anyone@ourcompanyname), but they error out with a message invalid email address if the email address is sent to someone outside or our company.  This is holding up our 'automation effort' as we currently have to forward the subsciption that was sent to ourselves.  Any ideas?  Please advise.

  • Hi Wendy,

    There's a few reasons why this could happen, but it sounds like there might be some kind of sender verification happening. Can you first check that the "from" address (in Reporting Services Configuration Manager) is set to a valid e-mail address?


  • When you set up your subscriptions ensure that they use a fully qualified email address (eg, reporting services email does not resolve email addresses like internal email does, so if you use a (salaryid, logonid, netid) like 'ABC' and it resolves to, then you must use the to receive subscription reports

    If you find that the recipient address is greyed out and cannot be edited, there is a setting for the reporting services configuration that needs changing, I can't remember it off the top of my head (and I'm home at the moment and we've gone green, so I can't remote in to get it), but if you need it email me and I will get it for you at work on Monday


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