Subscription logon failures

  • I seem to have run into a couple of strange issues. Both involve the 'Logon Failed.' message. My environment is W2K server SP4, SQL Server 2000 SP3a, and SQLRS SP2.

    Issue #1: I have some reports setup on a timed subscription for export to PDF to a network share. I originally noticed the following in the log files:

    ReportingServicesService!library!d3c!5/10/2005-09:58:21:: e ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.ReportServerDisabledException: The report server cannot decrypt the symmetric key used to access sensitive or encrypted data in a report server database. You must either restore a backup key or delete all encrypted content and then restart the service. Check the documentation for more information., ;

    So, I obviously had issues with the way I had things setup. I fixed this yesterday by wiping out my encryption settings and reconfiguring. The log files now indicate no errors.

    I have switched to a domain account for running Report Server which I have verified has proper access to the network file shares. I get the logon failed message when the subscription tries to run. I have tried other doamin accounts which I know have full access to the file shares, same issue. I have setup a share onthe local machine and got things to work. Ah ha! probably an issue with netowrk share permissions. But, immediately after writing to the local server share, I reset to point to the network share and it worked! Then I tried again and it failed!. I am so confused at this point I don't know what to do.

    Issues #2: I have setup email subscriptions for a couple of reports. Same server, both render fine in Report Manager, one emails fine, the other I get a logon failure. Now here comes the even stranger part. If I try and send the report that works to another girl in the same department, I get a logon failure. Switch it back, and it works fine. I have verified the email address. There are no bad/dropped messages in the SMTP folders.

    So, anyone have any clues what could be causing these logon failures? I have verified every permission I can think of and have found nothing.


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  • Better late than never eh!

    I just had a similar issue.

    Although from the documentation I didn't think I would need to configure the unattended execution account as soon as I did the reports which had stored credentails anyway started to mail quite merrily. It's ver easy to configure just search for unattended execution in the book online and it give you the commmand you need to run.

    The other issue I had with stuff not mailing at all was when someone changed the account under which reporting services was running although everything alse still worked it didn't mail anything at all it just sat there doing nothing as soona s I changed it back loads of mail fell out.



  • We had a similar problem here and the fix that Dave pointed to in the books online fixed the problem.

    the command is: rsconfig -e -u <domainname/userid> -p <password>

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