Subquery returned more than 1 value

  • Hello,


    I want to update a field based on a field in the same table

    The statement I use is the following:

    UPDATE    tblRelatie

    SET              BrancheID = 1

    WHERE     (LEFT(BIKCode_FK, 2) = '01')

    I also tried to rewrite the code like this

    UPDATE tblRelatie

    SET brancheID = 1

    WHERE relatieid IN

       (SELECT relatieid

       FROM tblRelatie

       WHERE Left(Bikcode_FK,2) ='01')

    But that doesn't work either

    Any help will be appreciated.





  • hello,

    there seems to be nothing wrong with your code.  The error you referred to in the subject would not come into play in this instance.


    the statement:

    UPDATE    employee

    SET              fname = fname + '!'

    WHERE     (LEFT(lname, 1) = 'a')

    add ! to my employees table just fine

    you must have more in your proc



    tal mcmahon


    Kindest Regards,

    Tal Mcmahon

  • Hello,

    I tried running this just as a query. Not as a stored procedure or a package. Just right in the Query Analyzer.

    I also tried to link the tables in an Access database and run the query there. That does work and after a count Access returns the correct number of records, but when I look in the enterprise manager, things are still the same.

  • could you post your whole stored proc?

    there is more here than you think


    Kindest Regards,

    Tal Mcmahon

  • Please post the code.

    A couple of areas to check.  If you "SET" a variable, make sure that the select statement doesn't return more than one row.  In your select statement, if you have a subquery, make sure it only gets one row.  If the subquery is correlated to your joins, make sure it only gets one row based on the correlation.  This holds true for a subquery or correlated subquery in your JOINS or WHERE clause.



  • Hello,

    There is no more code. I tried to run it in the query analyzer and it didn't work.  How should the statement below be adjusted so that it returns only one row at the time.

    UPDATE    tblRelatie

    SET              BrancheID = 1

    WHERE     (LEFT(BIKCode_FK, 2) = '01')



  • Turns out that a trigger was causing the problem.

    Thanks guys

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