Subquery issue

  • Hey everyone, I am running this query & I have multiple records which I am trying to combine into 1, but given the query I am not sure on how to achieve that:



    @user-id int,

    @RandomCol varchar (100),


    @user-id = 12101


    @RandomCol = (Select RandomCol from TableA where UserID = @user-id AND RandomCol = 'YES')

    IF @RandomCol = 'YES'


    Select Total - (Select

    datediff(d,StartDate,EndDate) - (select count(*))

    from table_b

    where table_b.datecol >= table_a.StartDate

    and table_b.datecol <= table_a.EndDate) As TotalDays

    from Table_A) AS TotalRemain from Table_B

    Where UserID = @user-id


    The error I receive is:

    Msg 512, Level 16, State 1, Line 6

    Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.

    I cannot sum the YES column because it's a varchar, any ideas?

  • DDL scripts, sample data, and expected output would be helpful.

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  • calvo (6/28/2011)

    DDL scripts, sample data, and expected output would be helpful.

    Would be useful. But a quick look at your query suggests that this

    Select RandomCol from TableA where UserID = @user-id AND RandomCol = 'YES'

    is the culprit. Looks like it returns more than 1 result - hence the error.

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • Personally I would try to do this using a join rather than a subquery but you also need to break it down to a one to one relationship. What relationship can be formed that would create the one to one case. In you example query you have no relationship from the subquery to the main query.


    If only I could snap my figures and have all the correct indexes apear and the buffer clean and.... Start day dream here.

  • Sample Data:

    MS SQL


    UserID | StartDate | EndDate | RandomColumn |


    12101 2011-06-16 2011-06-30 YES

    12101 2011-07-01 2011-07-15 YES

    12101 2011-08-01 2011-08-11 YES

    So the Output would reference a table with Holidays&Weekends & get a sum of all the business days between the date ranges in the the 3 rows where the Value is 'YES' & just return in one record. Such as


    UserID | TotalDays


    12101 45

    But Phil, I know that looks like the culprit, As I said I cannot sum a varchar column so that's what makes it difficult. Yeah I don't know I am out of ideas lol

  • Since the @randomCol declared variable is never used and you're only performing an action if a user's field = 'yes',

    instead of:

    declare @randomCol varchar(100)

    set @randomCol =

    (Select RandomCol

    from TableA

    where UserID = @user-id

    AND RandomCol = 'YES')

    IF @randomCol = 'Yes'





    IF EXISTS(select randomCol

    from table_a

    where userId = @user-id

    and randomcol = 'yes')




    It evaluates a user's [randomCol] field and performs an action if true.

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  • Am I Replacing the IF Statement where it says

    IF @RandomCol = 'YES'

    or am I relacing the @RandomCol Varaible's SET select statement?

    because I tried replacing it with the first IF statement & it gave me a subquery error again

  • Could you explain a bit more in detail what you are trying to do and give us table definitions for the tables you are using?

    In your sample data, how do you get to 45 business days?

  • Rank1_nj (6/28/2011)

    Am I Replacing the IF Statement where it says

    IF @RandomCol = 'YES'

    or am I relacing the @RandomCol Varaible's SET select statement?

    because I tried replacing it with the first IF statement & it gave me a subquery error again

    Remove these lines

    @RandomCol varchar (100),


    @RandomCol = (Select RandomCol from TableA where UserID = @user-id AND RandomCol = 'YES')

    Replace the IF @randomCol = 'YES' statement with the IF EXISTS statement. Use the same select statement inside the BEGIN/END.

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  • It gave me a subquery error again, I took out "Select Total" where I have

    Select Total - (select statement)

    & just ran the select statement with datediff, I get totals of multiple records & not only where it says 'Yes' but totals of the records where it says 'No' and 'Other'

    So it partially runs, just not with what I am trying to do.

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