submit batch of sql inserts as string or submit one insert at the time to ExcuteNonQuery()

  • Case1
     $sql ="
      INSERT INTO dbo.DbSecurity (Servername,DatabaseName,ContactUser) VALUES ('Server1','Db1,'User1');
      INSERT INTO dbo.DbSecurity (Servername,DatabaseName,ContactUser) VALUES ('Server1','Db1,'User1');
      INSERT INTO dbo.DbSecurity (Servername,DatabaseName,ContactUser) VALUES ('Server1','Db1,'User1');
      INSERT INTO dbo.DbSecurity (Servername,DatabaseName,ContactUser) VALUES ('Server1','Db1,'User1');
      INSERT INTO dbo.DbSecurity (Servername,DatabaseName,ContactUser) VALUES ('Server1','Db1,'User1');
      INSERT INTO dbo.DbSecurity (Servername,DatabaseName,ContactUser) VALUES ('Server1','Db1,'User1');
      INSERT INTO dbo.DbSecurity (Servername,DatabaseName,ContactUser) VALUES ('Server1','Db1,'User1');
      INSERT INTO dbo.DbSecurity (Servername,DatabaseName,ContactUser) VALUES ('Server1','Db1,'User1');
     $Command.CommandText = $sql
     Command.ExcuteNonQuery() SQL profiler show CPU = 0 Duration 8 as result of bacth Case2 $i =0
     if($i -le 8) {
         $sql ="INSERT INTO dbo.DbSecurity (Servername,DatabaseName,ContactUser) VALUES ('Server1','Db1,'User1');"
         $Command.CommandText = $sql
     SQL profiler show CPU = 0 Duration 1 -- for each executionQuestion
    Do we save on script  execution time when submit batch of 500000  rows using call in (in case 1) looop 500000 times inserting row by row (Case2)?

  • I suggest looking into SqlBulkCopy with a DataTable.

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