Stuck trying to update 2000 to 2008

  • Hello.

    All help appreciated.

    I got over a few bumps in the road to upgrading but am stuck here now with a seemingly ambiguous message.

    I get green lights all the way through the install wizard.

    The features I'm trying to install are few:


    Database engine services

    SQL Server Replication

    Full Text Search

    Shared Features

    Management Tools - Basic

    Management Tools - Complete

    I'm asked for a user name and pass word for the "SQL Full-Text filter daemon launcher". I've tried many variations including setting up a new user account as suggested. Not sure if this is the problem?

    I import the Full Text Catalogs.

    Upgrade Rules passed 25, failed 0, warning 0, skipped 20 not applicable.

    Upgrade proceeds until we get to AgentConfigAction_upgrade_validation_Cpu32. The message is:

    TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Setup


    The following error has occurred:

    The service did not start due to a logon failure.


    What frikkin Logon failure?

    The last few lines in the log Detail.txt up to this point of installation are:

    2011-04-10 07:51:58 Slp: Invoking QueryServiceConfig Win32 API for buffer size

    2011-04-10 07:51:58 Slp: Invoking QueryServiceConfig Win32 API with AllocHGlobal buffer

    2011-04-10 07:51:58 Slp: Sco: Attempting to close service handle for service SQLSERVERAGENT

    2011-04-10 07:51:58 Slp: Sco: Attempting to close SC Manager

    2011-04-10 07:51:58 Slp: Sco: Returning service start mode Automatic

    2011-04-10 07:51:58 Slp: Sco: Attempting to get service status for service SQLSERVERAGENT

    2011-04-10 07:51:58 Slp: Sco: Attempting to open SC Manager

    2011-04-10 07:51:58 Slp: Sco: Attempting to open service handle for service SQLSERVERAGENT

    2011-04-10 07:51:58 Slp: Invoking QueryServiceStatus Win32 API

    2011-04-10 07:51:58 Slp: Sco: Attempting to close service handle for service SQLSERVERAGENT

    2011-04-10 07:51:58 Slp: Sco: Attempting to close SC Manager

    2011-04-10 07:51:58 Slp: Sco: Returning service status Stopped

    2011-04-10 07:51:58 ACE: Service is not running. Try to start and stop it.

    2011-04-10 07:51:58 ACE: Attempting to start service ...

    2011-04-10 07:51:58 Slp: Sco: Attempting to start service with wait SQLSERVERAGENT, timeout 60

    2011-04-10 07:51:58 Slp: Sco: Attempting to start service with wait SQLSERVERAGENT, start parameters , timeout 60

    2011-04-10 07:51:58 Slp: Sco: Attempting to start service SQLSERVERAGENT, start parameters

    2011-04-10 07:51:58 Slp: Sco: Attempting to start service SQLSERVERAGENT

    2011-04-10 07:51:58 Slp: Sco: Attempting to open SC Manager

    2011-04-10 07:51:58 Slp: Sco: Attempting to open service handle for service SQLSERVERAGENT

    2011-04-10 07:51:58 Slp: Sco: Attempting to close service handle for service SQLSERVERAGENT

    2011-04-10 07:51:58 Slp: Sco: Attempting to close SC Manager

    2011-04-10 07:51:58 Slp: Prompting user if they want to retry this action due to the following failure:

    2011-04-10 07:51:58 Slp: ----------------------------------------

    2011-04-10 07:51:58 Slp: The following is an exception stack listing the exceptions in outermost to innermost order

    2011-04-10 07:51:58 Slp: Inner exceptions are being indented

    2011-04-10 07:51:58 Slp:

    2011-04-10 07:51:58 Slp: Exception type: Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.Sco.ScoException

    2011-04-10 07:51:58 Slp: Message:

    2011-04-10 07:51:58 Slp: The service did not start due to a logon failure.

    2011-04-10 07:51:58 Slp:

    2011-04-10 07:51:58 Slp: Data:

    2011-04-10 07:51:58 Slp: WatsonData = SQLSERVERAGENT

    2011-04-10 07:51:58 Slp: DisableRetry = true

    2011-04-10 07:51:58 Slp: Inner exception type: System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception

    2011-04-10 07:51:58 Slp: Message:

    2011-04-10 07:51:58 Slp: The service did not start due to a logon failure.

    2011-04-10 07:51:58 Slp:

    2011-04-10 07:51:58 Slp: Stack:

    Clicking retry after trying this and that does nothing. So click Cancel gets to 2nd error...


    2011-04-10 07:57:45 Slp: Sco: Attempting to get registry value InstallDir

    2011-04-10 07:57:45 Slp: Target package: "F:\x86\setup\sql_engine_core_inst_msi\sql_engine_core_inst.msi"

    2011-04-10 07:57:46 Slp: Condition is false because the required feature MPT_AGENT_CORE_CNI_sql_engine_core_inst_Cpu32 failed in result Result

    2011-04-10 07:57:46 Slp: MSI Error: 25012 There was an error attempting to remove the configuration of the product which prevents any other action from occuring. The current configuration of the product is being cancelled as a result.

    3rd and 4th Error is at the very end but it's a "SQL Server 2008 has encountered an error" send to Microsoft jobby.

    On the setup process complete I have 3 red crosses:

    Database Engine Services - Failed

    SQL Server Replication - Failed

    Full-Text Search - Failed.

    One last page:


    Your SQL Server 2008 r2 upgrade completed with failures.

    The service did not start due to a logon failure.

    There was an error attempting to remove the configuration of the product which prevents any other action from occuring. The current configuration of the product is being cancelled as a result.

    ...and that is where I remain stuck!

  • 2011-04-10 07:51:58 Slp: Exception type: Microsoft.SqlServer.Configuration.Sco.ScoException

    2011-04-10 07:51:58 Slp: Message:

    2011-04-10 07:51:58 Slp: The service did not start due to a logon failure.

    The service is not starting due to logon failure. Make sure you are using the right combination of logina name and password for the SQL Server service account.

    Pradeep Adiga
    Twitter: @pradeepadiga

  • If SQLserver2000 is already running then wouldn't it appear that I have the right Login/pass? I am asked at one stage for a user/pass for the Full-Text Search so I did create a user for that. At no other time does it ask me for a user/pass.


  • The password for the SQL Server and related service account would have changed after the service was started. Does the SQL Server 2000, Agent service start if you try restarting it manually?

    Pradeep Adiga
    Twitter: @pradeepadiga

  • Hello Pradeep.

    Thank you for trying to help me with this problem. I have fixed it, SQL2008 is now installed, but I still do not understand the problem.

    Since an engineer left the company we changed the webserver's password. When we rebooted the webserver SQL server 2000 wouldn't start until we reset the password in the Services panel to match the Webserver password. Everything seemed fine. THEN we tried the update. Then we got the "login failure" problem. So I just had a thought to put the webserver and sqlserver password back to the old password and give it a go... guess what?... it has installed flawlessly. So there must be a 3rd location for a password that the install wizard was using. Honestly though I couldn't make a guess at it where.

    It's working now but I'm missing a full understanding of the problem.

    -Ray :0)

  • ray 21783 (4/11/2011)

    Hello Pradeep.

    Thank you for trying to help me with this problem. I have fixed it, SQL2008 is now installed, but I still do not understand the problem.

    Since an engineer left the company we changed the webserver's password. When we rebooted the webserver SQL server 2000 wouldn't start until we reset the password in the Services panel to match the Webserver password. Everything seemed fine. THEN we tried the update. Then we got the "login failure" problem. So I just had a thought to put the webserver and sqlserver password back to the old password and give it a go... guess what?... it has installed flawlessly. So there must be a 3rd location for a password that the install wizard was using. Honestly though I couldn't make a guess at it where.

    It's working now but I'm missing a full understanding of the problem.

    -Ray :0)

    Totally OT, but it's scary to see you are running your webservice using sqlserver sysadmin ???


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    Who am I ? Sometimes this is me but most of the time this is me

  • ALZDBA (4/11/2011)

    Totally OT, but it's scary to see you are running your webservice using sqlserver sysadmin ???

    Hi Alzdba.

    I don't know that "OT" is.

    The webserver is as such since I inherited it like this a couple of weeks ago. I'm a coder and not a SQL admin, but guess what!

    We hit a few road blocks on the dev side and so felt a few updates were necessary to modernise our toolbox.

    I'm not sure if I have mislead you "running your webservice using sqlserver sysadmin", I don't think that's the case but I'll certainly look into that. I think it's on ASP.NET service or something like that. As I said it has never been my department but I've been thrown right in at the deep end this time.


  • ray 21783 (4/11/2011)

    ALZDBA (4/11/2011)

    Totally OT, but it's scary to see you are running your webservice using sqlserver sysadmin ???

    Hi Alzdba.

    I don't know that "OT" is.

    The webserver is as such since I inherited it like this a couple of weeks ago. I'm a coder and not a SQL admin, but guess what!

    We hit a few road blocks on the dev side and so felt a few updates were necessary to modernise our toolbox.

    I'm not sure if I have mislead you "running your webservice using sqlserver sysadmin", I don't think that's the case but I'll certainly look into that. I think it's on ASP.NET service or something like that. As I said it has never been my department but I've been thrown right in at the deep end this time.


    That's how most of us [end up | get started] as a dba :ermm:

    I'm glad you already discovered SSC. 😎

    Peers helping peers.


    Learn to play, play to learn !

    Dont drive faster than your guardian angel can fly ...
    but keeping both feet on the ground wont get you anywhere :w00t:

    - How to post Performance Problems
    - How to post data/code to get the best help[/url]

    - How to prevent a sore throat after hours of presenting ppt

    press F1 for solution, press shift+F1 for urgent solution 😀

    Need a bit of Powershell? How about this

    Who am I ? Sometimes this is me but most of the time this is me

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