String Variable and sp_executesql

  • I am not understanding why this command completes "successfully" and it seems correct to me. However, the focus of the session does not switch to the database specified in the USE clause. Is there something I am missing?

    I am trying to make my script able to run on any database it finds, and change the database;

    DECLARE @sql nvarchar(30)

    DECLARE @var1 nvarchar(30)

    SET @var1 = 'Database1'

    SET @sql = 'USE ' + @var1

    EXECUTE sp_executesql @sql   --this should set focus on Database1

    It completes, but the focus is still on another database (in the drop down window in SSMS). I also run a test select on one of the tables in the database and it can't find it. What am I missing from this? Steve

  • The change in database focus only occurs within the scope of the dynamic sql session. Your "outer" session is still using whatever database you were using prior to executing sp_executesql.

  • If you read the help for sp_ExecuteSQL, you can see that this point is explicitly mentioned:

    sp_executesql has the same behavior as EXECUTE regarding batches, the scope of names, and database context. The Transact-SQL statement or batch in the sp_executesql @stmt parameter isn't compiled until the sp_executesql statement is executed. The contents of @stmt are then compiled and executed as an execution plan separate from the execution plan of the batch that called sp_executesql. The sp_executesql batch can't reference variables declared in the batch that calls sp_executesql. Local cursors or variables in the sp_executesql batch aren't visible to the batch that calls sp_executesql. Changes in database context last only to the end of the sp_executesql statement.

  • You need something like this:

    DECLARE @var1 nvarchar(30);
    SET @var1 = 'Database1';

    DECLARE @sql nvarchar(max);
    SET @sql = '
    USE ' + QUOTENAME(@var1) + ';
    -- Add the rest of your script below:
    SELECT name FROM sys.tables; -- Example query

    EXEC sp_executesql @sql;
  • Understood - thanks.

    So I can use it within a statement, and the focus change works. Such as;

    EXEC(@sql + 'SELECT * FROM hr.employees')    ---hr.employees in Database1 which my window is not focused on

    Still trying to get the "inside" vs "outside" a bit, since I noticed I can run other statements in the database I'm connected to, and then call this out again and it still works EXEC(@sql + 'SELECT * FROM hr.addresses')



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