May 2, 2009 at 8:38 am
String or binary data would be truncated.
The statement has been terminated.
Is there an easy way to know for which column the problem is coming,in case of insert, and for which row value (or string)"
I have 181 Columns having varchar type with more then 18000 Rows..
Now I added 50 more columns to this table and create a new table
I am running query
insert into table2( < 181 column names> )
select <181 Column Names > from Table1
I am getting this error How can I get the Specific Column Name for which column the problem is coming
May 2, 2009 at 9:10 am
not an easy way...unless your "Table1" has columns named the same as "Table2"
you can maybe find something quickly with this sql:
you can ignore a lot of you 181 columns that are NOT char/varchar, since they cannot raise that truncated error:
select object_name(id) as tablename,name as columnname, type_name (xtype) as Datatype, Length as datasize from syscolumns
where object_name(id) = 'Table2'
and type_name (xtype) IN('char','varchar','nchar','nvarchar')
then instead of your SELECT statement that is using the insert, change them all to be datalength(colname) and see which one exceeds the max value from the first...
maybe a macro to build a bunch of statements that do this:
select datalength(columnname) , from table1 where datalength(columnname) > [datasize from above for the matching column]
May 5, 2009 at 5:09 pm
As Lowell suggests, if the column names are the same in your two tables, you can use the syscolumns information to find the offending column. Recognize that although it's DATA from the older table that would be truncated in the new table, that's only because the column defintitions differ.
This code adapts Lowell's query to examine two tables and find columns whose names match but whose datatype or length differ. Note that it doesn't work with #temp tables as their tablenames are not stored the same way as "permanent" tables.
create table TestLengthError (
CharField char(20)
,VarCharField varchar(20)
,IntField bigint
,CharField2 char(20) NULL
create table TestLengthError2 (
CharField char(20)
,VarCharField varchar(20)
,IntField int
,CharField2 char(10)
select object_name( as t1_tablename, as t1_columnname, type_name(t1.xtype) as t1_Datatype, t1.Length as t1_datasize
,object_name( as t2_tablename, as t2_columnname, type_name(t2.xtype) as t2_Datatype, t2.Length as t2_datasize
from syscolumns t1
join syscolumns t2 on
where object_name( = 'TestLengthError'
and object_name( = 'TestLengthError2'
and (type_name(t1.xtype) != type_name(t2.xtype)
or t1.length != t2.length)
drop table TestLengthError
drop table TestLengthError2
May 6, 2009 at 12:49 am
Column Name and Datatype both are same in Both table.. Previously I took Varchar(20) for each column..and now change some column(appx 120 Columns) length but Now I just want to know the column Name while running the Insert Query
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