String or binary data truncation.

  • Can someone help me with determining why my TestTable data does not roll over into my ResultTable data? I have reviewed all of the data types but cannot figure out why I am not getting any data in the ResultTable. I have tried to put together input data for this posting into the #mytable but cannot figure out how to completely populate this table. Anyhow here is what I have:

    --===== If the test table already exists, drop it

    IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#mytable','U') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #mytable

    --===== Create the test table with

    CREATE TABLE #mytable















    INSERT INTO #mytable

    (Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, Milisecond, Ask, Bid, AskVolume, BidVolume, Item)

    SELECT'2013','05','04','10','12','45','200','1.23054', '1.23052', '1','3','N'

    SELECT'2013','05','04','10','12','46','400','1.23055', '1.23052', '1','3','N'

    SELECT'2013','05','04','10','12','46','500','1.23055', '1.23052', '1','3','N'

    SELECT'2013','05','04','10','12','47','400','1.23055', '1.23052', '1','3','N'

    SELECT'2013','05','04','10','12','49','400','1.23055', '1.23052', '1','3','N'

    DECLARE @ResultTable TABLE (curRN bigint, prevRN bigint, curBid Decimal(6,5), prevBid Decimal(6,5), Item char, Concat Varchar(20));

    DECLARE @TestTable TABLE (Year Varchar(4), Month Varchar(2), Day Varchar(2), Hour Varchar(2), Minute Varchar(2), Second Varchar(2), Milisecond Varchar(3), Bid Decimal(6,5), Item Char(2), Concat Varchar(20));

    INSERT INTO @TestTable (Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, Milisecond, Bid, Item, Concat)

    SELECT Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, Milisecond, Bid, Item, (Year+Month+Day+Hour+Minute+Second+Milisecond) AS Concat

    From #mytable

    ;WITH cte AS


    SELECT Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, Milisecond, Bid, Item, Concat,


    OVER (ORDER BY Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, Milisecond, Bid, Item, Concat)

    FROM @TestTable


    INSERT INTO @ResultTable (curRN, prevRN, curBid, prevBid, Item, Concat)

    SELECT cur.RN AS 'Cur-RN', prev.RN AS 'Prev-RN', cur.Bid AS 'Cur-Bid', prev.Bid AS 'Prev-Bid', cur.Concat,


    WHEN (cur.Bid - prev.Bid) > 0 THEN 'U'

    WHEN (cur.Bid - prev.Bid) = 0 THEN 'F'

    WHEN (cur.Bid - prev.Bid) < 0 THEN 'D'

    ELSE 'N'


    FROM cte cur JOIN cte prev

    ON cur.RN = prev.RN + 1

    SELECT *

    FROM @ResultTable

    (249616 row(s) affected)

    Msg 8152, Level 16, State 14, Line 7

    String or binary data would be truncated.

    The statement has been terminated.

    (0 row(s) affected)

  • You have probably interchanged the order of columns in your SELECT statement

    INSERT INTO @ResultTable (curRN, prevRN, curBid, prevBid, Item, Concat)

    SELECT cur.RN AS 'Cur-RN', prev.RN AS 'Prev-RN', cur.Bid AS 'Cur-Bid', prev.Bid AS 'Prev-Bid',


    WHEN (cur.Bid - prev.Bid) > 0 THEN 'U'

    WHEN (cur.Bid - prev.Bid) = 0 THEN 'F'

    WHEN (cur.Bid - prev.Bid) < 0 THEN 'D'

    ELSE 'N'

    END, cur.Concat -- Concat should be the last column as per your INSERT

    FROM cte cur JOIN cte prev

    ON cur.RN = prev.RN + 1

    Kingston Dhasian

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help - Jeff Moden

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