String Extraction

  • Hi,

    I have a table with one column, and 5 rows ...








    I need to extract only the text SERVERNAME from each row and place it into a temporary table.


    How can I do this?


    Thanks in advance.

  • Is there anything in each rows that signifies where the servername starts and ends? (I assume that it's not as the example where it seems to be all the same, and is known beforehand?)

    Point is, we need 'true' examples that follow the actual charachteristics and behaviours of your data.


  • Hi,

    I can't post the actual server names, the server name is always 18 characters long.

    I was hoping to test the code using SERVERNAME and then put the code into a stored procedure and then pass the SERVERNAME in as a variable.



  • It's ok, you can replace sensitive info with something else, the thing is - what traits in your data would indicate to programmed code that 'this is a servername'..?

    From the example all I can see is one single string of random chars and att different positions a pattern of chars that is 'SERVERNAME'. Question is, do you know which 'SERVERNAME' to look for at compiletime, or is it unknown until runtime?

    Thinking about it a bit, perhaps you could explain a bit more about the situation? Like the circumstances around these 5 rows and the temptable, what triggers this action and what's the purpose?


  • Hi,

    Basically when we restore a database from another server we need to check a certain table in the database (this table tells the application which database server to use).

    Therefore, when we restore the database to another server we need to change the servername so that the application points at the server we have just restored the database to, rather than the server we backed the database up from.

    Server specific information (ie. the server name) is only held in one table and in one column in the database.

    The characteristics of the server name are ...

    1. The first two letters are always AB or CD.

    2. The servername is always 18 characters long and the 16th character is always \


    Thanks for your help, its much appreciated.

  • Do you know both the old server name (source of the backup) and the new server name (target server to which the database was restored)?

    If so, will a simple REPALCE do the job?

    CREATE PROCEDURE uspChangeServerName


      @oldServer varchar(18)

    , @newServer varchar(18)



      UPDATE ServerInfo

         SET info = Replace(info, @oldServer, @newServer)


    EXEC uspChangeServerName 'SERVERNAME', 'AB-NEWSERVER123/##'


  • Hi,

    Thanks for that, I do know the new server name but I don't know the old server name.

  • Here's a test senario I ran that works for the test data you provided. I changed SERVERNAME to AB1234567890123\XX because this solution depends on the old server name characteristics being exactly as you stated.


    I was hoping to test the code using SERVERNAME

    and then put the code into a stored procedure

    and then pass the SERVERNAME in as a variable.

    The characteristics of the server name are ...

    1. The first two letters are always AB or CD.

    2. The servername is always 18 characters long

    3. The 16th character is always a backslash ('\')


    DROP TABLE ServerInfo


    DROP PROC uspChangeServerName


    CREATE TABLE ServerInfo


      info varchar(100)



    -- Using  AB1234567890123\XX  as the old server name

    INSERT ServerInfo (info) VALUES ('ksjdfhiuearhfkrferfAB1234567890123\XXeruwerwnerwer')

    INSERT ServerInfo (info) VALUES ('ewruowieurowiueroiwuerAB1234567890123\XXweiyqwieuqwebqne')

    INSERT ServerInfo (info) VALUES ('qweuyqwerAB1234567890123\XXweruwerwbnermbervbrehwiurhweiuAB1234567890123\XXswerwerwenmrbewr')

    INSERT ServerInfo (info) VALUES ('CD1234567890123\XXwerwerbwmnerbwouihlajsjlakdjsidu')

    INSERT ServerInfo (info) VALUES ('wiejweCD1234567890123\XXteguregttbgCD1234567890123\XXrhtuererhbgf')



    CREATE PROCEDURE uspChangeServerName


      @newServer varchar(18)



      WHILE ( SELECT Count(*) FROM ServerInfo WHERE PatIndex('%AB_____________\__%', info) > 0 ) > 0


        UPDATE ServerInfo 

           SET info = Stuff(info, PatIndex('%AB_____________\__%', info), 18, @newServer)

         WHERE PatIndex('%AB_____________\__%', info) > 0


      WHILE ( SELECT Count(*) FROM ServerInfo WHERE PatIndex('%CD_____________\__%', info) > 0 ) > 0


        UPDATE ServerInfo 

           SET info = Stuff(info, PatIndex('%CD_____________\__%', info), 18, @newServer)

         WHERE PatIndex('%CD_____________\__%', info) > 0



    EXEC uspChangeServerName 'AB-NEWSERVERXXX/**'

    SELECT * FROM ServerInfo

  • Sorry, I just updated my previous post, left out the part that handles 'CD'

  • Thanks for that, its greatly appreciated, I'll get it tested and let you know.




  • Aw, I hate it when that happens.  You spend time on a solution, only to see that someone's beat you to it! 

    Oh well, here's what I did anyway (not exactly vastly different from mkeast)...

    CREATE TABLE #ServerInfo (col1 varchar(100))

    INSERT INTO #ServerInfo

    SELECT 'ksjdfhiuearhfkrferfABEXAMPLESERV01\XXeruwerwnerwer' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'ewruowieurowiueroiwuerCDEXAMPLESERV02\XXweiyqwieuqwebqne' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'qweuyqwerABEXAMPLESERV03\XXweruwerwbnermbervbrehwiurhweiuABEXAMPLESERV01\XXswerwerwenmrbewr' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'CDEXAMPLESERV04\XXwerwerbwmnerbwouihlajsjlakdjsidu' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'wiejweABEXAMPLESERV01\XXteguregttbgCDEXAMPLESERV02\XXrhtuererhbgf'

    DECLARE @find varchar(30)

    SET @find = '%[AC][BD]_____________\__%'

    WHILE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM #ServerInfo WHERE patindex(@find, col1) > 0)

      UPDATE #ServerInfo SET col1 = CASE WHEN PATINDEX(@find, col1) = 0 THEN Col1 ELSE stuff(col1, patindex(@find, col1), 18, '*') END FROM #ServerInfo

    UPDATE #ServerInfo SET col1 = REPLACE(col1, '*', 'AB-NEWSERVER123\##') FROM #ServerInfo

    SELECT * FROM #ServerInfo

    DROP TABLE #ServerInfo




    Ryan Randall

    Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part.

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