String Data, Length Mismatch

  • This error is intermittent.

    I am getting this error when i transfer image data from one server to another Server(My web server) using internet.

    I have designed a DTS package in vb and calling it to perform above operation. we are using this package for almost 7-8 months. never had this problem. suddenly we are getting this error very frequently. But sometimes it does transfer data to destination server.

    Error Details

    String Data, Length Mismatch (80040e21);General Network Error




  • This is permission error problem.

    Check all the permissions that you are using on the network or store procedures that you are using.



  • Hi JFB,

    thanks for ur reply. but with other SQL tables w/o image or text columns it works. and some times it does allow me to upload image data (same table) also.



  • Ok then the other option should be OLE DB error. The error 80040e21 indicates that the field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add. For example, the error 80040e21 may be caused by trying to insert 12 characters into a SQL Server field that is formatted to accept only 10 characters. In this case, you should insert less data.

  • I dont think this could be the problem.  i have already run the same script of source Database on Destination Server Database. hence making the two table identical. I strongly feel it must be because of internet speed as it uploads same records later.


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