Strategy for n-level approvals

  • I have a TimesheetMaster table which requires 1 or more "approvals". I've created an eventlog table to keep track of approval events. Now, if any approver rejects a timesheet, the approval process must begin again, but I don't want to lose track of all the events.

    If I didn't care about keeping track of all the events, I could just purge the approval events whenever there was a rejection event. What would your strategy be?

    One idea I had was to code every approval as "current", or "expired", so a rejection event would, instead of deleting all related events, would just mark them as "expired". My program would seek out only "current" approvals to see if the timesheet is finally approved.

    Other cool ideas? You guys always have the neatest tricks....


  • JimS-Indy (3/8/2013)

    I have a TimesheetMaster table which requires 1 or more "approvals". I've created an eventlog table to keep track of approval events. Now, if any approver rejects a timesheet, the approval process must begin again, but I don't want to lose track of all the events.

    If I didn't care about keeping track of all the events, I could just purge the approval events whenever there was a rejection event. What would your strategy be?

    One idea I had was to code every approval as "current", or "expired", so a rejection event would, instead of deleting all related events, would just mark them as "expired". My program would seek out only "current" approvals to see if the timesheet is finally approved.

    Other cool ideas? You guys always have the neatest tricks....

    Jim i would think a view, which selects the data would be the way to do it; the view can join your rejection events, and return an items current status based on the join, right? no need to purge ort delete data, i think, just group or row_number to get the right data.


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  • Lowell, not quite understanding. Here's what I think you said...

    SELECT * from tblEvents

    WHERE (tblEvents.EventDateTime >

    (Select Max(EventDateTime) from tblEvents

    WHERE EventType='Rejection' and TimesheetID=23))

    AND tblEvents.TimesheetID=23


  • Jim i am thinking something more like this, i think; i'd need the DDL and sample data to really make a solid mockup

    CREATE VIEW VW_TimeSheetStatus




    WHEN tblRejections.EventDateTime > tblEvents.EventDateTime

    THEN 'Rejected'

    ELSe 'Approved'

    END As Status,

    tblRejections.EventDateTime As RejectionDate,


    from (SELECT Max(EventDateTime),TimesheetID,OtherColumns tblEvents WHERE EventType <>'Rejection' GROUP BY TimesheetID,OtherColumns) tblEvents

    LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT Max(EventDateTime),TimesheetID,OtherColumns tblEvents WHERE EventType ='Rejection' GROUP BY TimesheetID,OtherColumns) tblRejections

    ON tblEvents.TimesheetID = tblRejections.TimesheetID

    then i could query the view, like SELECT * FROM VW_TimeSheetStatus WHERE TimesheetID=23, and i'd see the status automatically, right?

    i might need to modify the grouping, but that's the gist of what i was thinking.


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • I probably wasn't clear (or else, just as likely, I didn't understand your answer...)

    Each event has an event type (typically, 'Reject' or 'Approve'.) The application knows to expect, say, two approvals. The number of approvals (actually, approval types...) is known only to the TimesheetMaster, and enforced by the app.

    If a timesheet is approved, then subsequently rejected, all prior approvals must be re-approved, so they're no longer valid. So, I want to be able to select only approvals that have taken place since the last rejection (if any....) The app will need to examine all of 'em to see if they're of the correct type and number, so the app will want a subset of the total number of events.

    I feel like the scrap of SQL I suggested does that (except for the "if any..." degenerate case, which should be easy to resolve....)

    If I understand your SQL, it's looking to make a decision 'Approved' or 'Rejected', as a scalar value...??


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