October 30, 2024 at 9:43 am
yesterday I had to update several rows of a table.
The rows for update where selected by a select-statement for testing the results;
the selection for the update-statement selected this sub-selection but I missed that I renamed the primary key within the selection;
normaly I would think that SQL should raise an error (because field not in selection) but the result was that ALL (!) records were updated !
select for testing the results:
select * from (select PKey as myKey, WERTA from TempSel where PKey like'3%') as Q1
update with error (no unique field in subselection):
update TempSel set WertA = 'TEST' where PKey in
(select * from (select PKey as myKey, WERTA from TempSel where PKey like'3%') as Q1)
update ok (57 rows):
update TempSel set WertA = 'TEST' where PKey in
(select myKey from (select PKey as myKey , WERTA from TempSel where PKey like'3%') as Q1)
update ok (57 rows) :
update TempSel set WertA = 'TEST' where PKey in
(select * from (select PKey as myKey from TempSel where PKey like'3%') as Q1)
update NOT ok (all 691 rows !!!): did not see the renamed field, but why is there no error raised (field Pkey not in subselection !)
update TempSel set WertA = 'TEST' where PKey in
(select PKey from (select PKey as myKey from TempSel where PKey like'3%') as Q1)
October 30, 2024 at 10:06 am
While I don't know the answer to your question, my question is why are you writing your update like this? Why not this?
SET WertA = 'TEST'
The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
Martin Rees
You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
Stan Laurel
October 30, 2024 at 11:40 am
Since you aren't qualifying a single column as to who owns it, the optimizer will try to figure out what you're doing. I believe, in the end, that last query, decided that you wanted to match all of TempSel where PKey IN PKey, because it couldn't pull PKey from anywhere else... but I would have thought you'd see an error instead. Qualify the object owners all the time in your queries.
"The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
- Theodore Roosevelt
Author of:
SQL Server Execution Plans
SQL Server Query Performance Tuning
October 30, 2024 at 2:50 pm
your are right: using a qualifier results in an error (unknown column):
update TempSel set WertA = 'TEST' where PKey in
(select Q1.PKey from (select PKey as myKey from TempSel where PKey like'3%') as Q1)
October 30, 2024 at 2:53 pm
in th example of course I coul do it like
the selection for the records to update was much complicater than in my simple example.
so I first made a very complicated selection statement and wanted to use these results for update
October 30, 2024 at 3:14 pm
your are right: using a qualifier results in an error (unknown column):
update TempSel set WertA = 'TEST' where PKey in
(select Q1.PKey from (select PKey as myKey from TempSel where PKey like'3%') as Q1)
It certainly seems Grant is right. Tho it appears your attempt to alias the columns is maybe not correct. Try these two queries (which are equivalent (afaik)). No sample data so this is not tested...
/* no aliases */
update TempSel set WertA = 'TEST' where PKey in
(select PKey from (select PKey as myKey from TempSel where PKey like'3%') as Q1)
/* every col aliased */
update ts
set ts.WertA = 'TEST'
from TempSel ts
where ts.PKey in (select ts.PKey
from (select tt.PKey as myKey
from TempSel tt
where tt.PKey like'3%') as Q1);
Aus dem Paradies, das Cantor uns geschaffen, soll uns niemand vertreiben können
October 30, 2024 at 6:03 pm
Instead of typing up an example I pasted your code next to a table from another topic and then did cut/paste/replace the column names. "...ts.PKey is not column of subquery" the subquery can be correlated to the outer UPDATE statement. Run this
drop table if exists #MDM;
Ident VARCHAR(20),
source VARCHAR(20),
val VARCHAR(20),
opendate datetime,
closedate datetime,
Isactive bit);
insert into #MDM (ID,Ident,source ,val,opendate,closedate,Isactive)
(101, 'euid01' ,'File01', 'x010', '01-01-2023', '01-01-2999' ,1),
(101, 'euid02' ,'File01', 'x111', '01-01-2023', '01-01-2999' ,1),
(102, 'euid02' ,'File01', 'x222', '01-01-2023', '01-10-2024' ,0),
(102, 'euid01' ,'File01', 'x010', '01-01-2023', '01-01-2999' ,1),
(102, 'euid02' ,'File02', 'x333', '01-01-2023', '01-01-2999' ,1),
(102, 'euid02' ,'File10', 'x444', '01-01-2023', '01-10-2024' ,0);
update #MDM set val = 'TEST' where ID in
(select * from (select ID as myKey from #MDM where ID=101) as Q1)
update m
set val = 'TEST'
from #MDM m
where m.ID in
(select m.ID from (select mm.ID as myKey from #MDM mm where mm.ID=101) as Q1);
Aus dem Paradies, das Cantor uns geschaffen, soll uns niemand vertreiben können
October 30, 2024 at 9:17 pm
testing this the first statement updates 2 rows, the second statement again all rows because m.ID is not a row of the subquery and so does not limit the updates in any case.
changing the 2nd statemant to the folling code does the correct update of only 2 rows:
update m
set val = 'TEST'
from #MDM m
where m.ID in
(select q1.myKey from (select mm.ID as myKey from #MDM mm where mm.ID=101) as Q1);
October 31, 2024 at 12:08 am
There should be an additional lesson learned here... when doing modifications to rows, start with BEGIN TRANSACTION and then run the UPDATE. If the rowcount is right, then COMMIT else ROLLBACK. And never walk away from your machine when such a transaction is in-process. 😉
--Jeff Moden
Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.
October 31, 2024 at 12:56 am
I would use EXISTS instead of IN
update m
set val = 'TEST'
from #MDM m
where exists(SELECT 1
WHERE mm.ID = m.ID
AND mm.ID = 101)
October 31, 2024 at 8:37 pm
You have just learned a valuable lesson - scope does matter in SQL Server. Sub-queries have full access to the outer queries columns - so you can easily reference a column from the outer query in the sub-query.
You should always alias your tables - and use that table alias for every column.
update TempSel set WertA = 'TEST' where PKey in
(select PKey from (select PKey as myKey from TempSel where PKey like'3%') as Q1)
In this example - PKey exists in the table TempSel so the sub-query for the IN statement uses PKey from the outer reference to the TempSel table (the one referenced in the UPDATE statement). This essentially breaks down to WHERE PKey IN (PKey) which will be true for every row.
Adding the table alias forces SQL Server to use the column from the inner query - which doesn't exist and you get an error.
This is further complicated because you are using a sub-query that includes a derived table (another sub-query). And since none of the columns are referenced using the table or the alias - SQL Server can and will use any valid column from that sub-query up to the outer-most query.
So - always, always, always qualify columns with the table/alias.
Jeffrey Williams
“We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.”
― Charles R. Swindoll
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