Strange problem with SQL Server 2000

  • I am having a problem with a databases on one of my SQL Server 2000 machines. At random times throughtout a 24 hour period the following behavior occurs:

    2004-02-20 09:25:52.50  spid7 Starting up database 'GeoSmart'.

    2004-02-20 09:21:17.36  spid7 Closing file C:\MSSQL7\data\GeoSmart_log.LDF.

    2004-02-20 09:21:17.36  spid7 Closing file C:\MSSQL7\data\GeoSmart.mdf.

    2004-02-20 09:20:10.27  spid7 Opening file C:\MSSQL7\data\GeoSmart_log.LDF.

    2004-02-20 09:20:10.25  spid7 Opening file C:\MSSQL7\data\GeoSmart.mdf.

    2004-02-20 09:20:10.25  spid7 Starting up database 'GeoSmart'.

    2004-02-20 09:19:55.61  spid7 Closing file C:\MSSQL7\data\GeoSmart_log.LDF.

    2004-02-20 09:19:55.59  spid7 Closing file C:\MSSQL7\data\GeoSmart.mdf.

    2004-02-20 09:08:28.52  spid7 Opening file C:\MSSQL7\data\GeoSmart_log.LDF.

    2004-02-20 09:08:28.52  spid7 Opening file C:\MSSQL7\data\GeoSmart.mdf.

    2004-02-20 09:08:28.52  spid7 Starting up database 'GeoSmart'.

    The datafiles will open and close many, many times in about a 30 second period and as I stated earlier this will happen at random periods throught out the day. The rapid starting and stoping of the datafiles causes the application to break connection with SQL Server and kick the users out. There are no other errors and after this behavior stops the database and application operate normally. I ran DBCC Checkdb and no errors were reported and there are no maintenance jobs running when this occurs. My guess is the application is causing this somehow but the application vendor has not seen this type of behaior before either. Has any one ever seen this type of thing before and if so what was done to correct the problem? Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.



  • check that autoclose is NOT checked!!

    * Noel

  • Thanks for your reply I did find that autoclose was checked and made sure it was unchecked after this problem occured. Just have to see if that fixes it.

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