Strange issue with CTE's and Dates as String

  • I've seeing a weird issue with a CTE when trying to convert a string column to a datetime. We have a table that has a column defined as a string but contains dates and other things. I wanted to create a CTE of the rows that contained dates and then use that CTE to further filter the list based on that date.

    The following simplified example shows the issue. If you comment out the line "WHERE ObservationDate BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate" it works fine but uncomment and you get a "Conversion failed" message. Is this a bug with CTEs or am I doing something wrong???

    Thanks in advance for any help.




    DECLARE @StartDate DateTime

    ,@EndDate DateTime

    SET @StartDate = '04/01/2008'

    SET @EndDate = '04/1/2010'

    CREATE TABLE tmp_TestTable


    RunId int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    Value varchar(35)


    INSERT INTO tmp_TestTable VALUES ('N.A.')

    INSERT INTO tmp_TestTable VALUES ('1/1/2010')

    INSERT INTO tmp_TestTable VALUES ('2/1/2010')

    INSERT INTO tmp_TestTable VALUES ('N.A.')

    INSERT INTO tmp_TestTable VALUES ('3/1/2010')

    INSERT INTO tmp_TestTable VALUES ('4/1/2010')

    INSERT INTO tmp_TestTable VALUES ('5/1/2010')


    WITH MaxDtCTE (RunId, ObservationDate) AS


    SELECT RunId

    ,CONVERT(datetime, [Value])

    FROM tmp_TestTable

    WHERE ISDATE([Value]) = 1

    AND [Value] IS NOT NULL


    SELECT *


    WHERE ObservationDate BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate

    DROP TABLE tmp_TestTable

  • SQL Server does not guarantee how many times an expression will be evaluated, or in which long as the returned results logically reflect the request in the query.

    In this case, SQL Server pushes the WHERE clause predicate up into the table scan, for performance reasons. The Filter operator that implements your ISDATE condition comes afterward. So, the date comparison is performed before the ISDATE, hence the error.

  • Thanks for the reply. But it still leaves me scratching my head for a way to code around this.

    I changed the code around to use a table object but I can definitely see a performance hit. Do you have any ideas.

    Thanks again. Mike

  • I added a case statement and it worked.

    WITH MaxDtCTE (RunId, ObservationDate) AS


    SELECT RunId,

    CASE WHEN ISDATE([Value]) = 1 THEN CONVERT(datetime, [Value]) ELSE NULL END

    FROM tmp_TestTable

    WHERE ISDATE([Value]) = 1

    AND [Value] IS NOT NULL


    SELECT *


    WHERE ObservationDate BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate

  • One safe way is:

    SELECT TT.RunId,

    CONVERT(DATETIME, TT.Value, 103)

    FROM tmp_TestTable TT


    AND 1 =


    WHEN ISDATE(TT.Value) = 1




    WHEN CONVERT(DATETIME, TT.Value, 103) BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate

    THEN 1

    ELSE 0



    ELSE 0


    edit: to add IS NOT NULL (not required for correctness, but can use an index)

  • Thanks guys. Both suggestions are working.


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