Strange Happenings

  • I'm curious to see if anyone has any clue on this one.

    I have 3 SQL 2000 servers, dev, qa, and production. On each I have a process that checks for changes in objects using the base_schema_version in sysobjects in each database. Basically, each time an object is altered, this increments by 16.

    So this morning I check my logs and I find that the production server has a few new objects in msdb. Specifically there are:

    • r_iRTblClassExtension(proc)
    • r_tblclassextension(table)
    • rDexRTblClassExtension(PK)

    I thought my process was broken, so I checked in sysobjects. These objects were indeed created yesterday at 4:15pm. We did release changes to our server, which are in my report, but these were 5:40pm.

    I then checked dev. It has these objects, but created last April. quite a bit of time after the server was installed.

    I checked QA, object exists, but last October. Much after QA was built. In fact, QA and production were built at the same time, dev a few months before.

    Anyone have any ideas? Didn't do anything to the server, no hot fixes, no service packs, no software. Nothing I can track down. Any idea what these tables are for?

    Steve Jones

  • I have them on my machine at home. Something to do with the diagramming tool?


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