• "This action will Reset the Current Code in Break Mode"

    Currently running a SQL frontend with an ACCESS backend.

    I get the above error msg when running ACCESS

    Any ideas ?

  • Can you run the debugger and tell us which line give you this error?

  • This error can happen for many reasons.  Generally though we need to be able to see the code that is causing the error.  Have you set up error trapping on each procedure and performed any debugging? 

    Also, I believe you mean that you have an Access front-end and SQL Server back-end.  Although Access can perform both functions SQL Server is only used as a back-end product.

    Recommend you post the offending code with a more thorough description.

  • The only time I've seen this "strange message" was when I was debugging code and tried to add a line of code. When I've encountered this message, I've either NOT added the code line, or have taken the option to "stop execution", added the line, and then recompiled the code.

    Is this message coming up when you're just running the Access application or are you in debug mode?

    Norm Johnson

    "Keep smiling ... it gives your face something happy to do
            ... and it makes people wonder what you're up to!"

  • Also,

    I've put break points in my code before and then removed them only to have the code break at that exact point.  Usually doing a compile on the project fixes it.  I make it a point to do a compile on any Access frontend before I distribute it because of it.


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