Strange error in SQL log

  • I've got a couple of strange messages in the SQL log:

    SetFileIoOverlappedRange failed, GetLastError is 1314

    It happened when I was attaching a database (mdf and ldf). The DB attached OK and checkdb didn't find any errors.

    Anyone has seen this before?

    By the way, it's SQL 2008 R2 Enterprise on Windows 2008 R2.


  • HI ,

    Which version of SQL are you using and Which version are you attaching from?

  • Did anyone ever figure this message out. I just installed my first Win2008R2 SQL 2008R2 and attached a db backup and got the same message. I ran a DBCC CHECKDB and all is fine.

  • I believe this is an informational message and can be ignored. It's a performance optimisation that can only be used if the SQL Service account has privileges to lock pages in memory (and presumably may also fail under memory pressure).

    More info here:

  • Ok, thanks for the info.

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