April 6, 2015 at 10:14 am
I have a dynamic sql which uses Pivot and returns "technically" variable no. of columns.
Is there a way to store the dynamic sql's output in to a temp table? I don't want to create a temp table with the structure of the output and limit no. of columns hence changing the SP every time I get new Pivot column!!
April 6, 2015 at 10:46 am
What about inserting it into a global temp table? Would that cause issues?
April 6, 2015 at 12:00 pm
I can't use global temp variables as it differs per request.
if my query is in @sql, so far I could find the way to pre-create temp table with the same columns of the @sql output and using INSERT INTO statement.
I'm not able to figure out the way to do something like SELECT * INTO so that my columns are dynamically generated in Temp table.
April 7, 2015 at 9:36 am
sarath.tata (4/6/2015)
I can't use global temp variables as it differs per request.
He said global temp table (e.g. ##temp). Global temp tables can be referenced inside/outside of a dynamic SQL script.
if my query is in @sql, so far I could find the way to pre-create temp table with the same columns of the @sql output and using INSERT INTO statement.
I'm not able to figure out the way to do something like SELECT * INTO so that my columns are dynamically generated in Temp table.
I think that this will help you accomplish what you are trying to do (note my comments)
DECLARE @dsql_selectvarchar(100) = 'SELECT c1, c2, c3'; -- variable that holds a dynamic SELECT statement
DECLARE @dsql_fromvarchar(100) = ' FROM (VALUES (11,22,33)) t(c1,c2,c3);'; -- Simulating a table with data
DECLARE @dsql_gtempvarchar(100) = '##yourglobaltemp'; -- a variable that holds the name of the global temp table to be dynamically generated via Dynamic SQL query
EXEC(@dsql_select + ' INTO '+ @dsql_gtemp + @dsql_from); -- for brevity I'm ignoring the issue of SQL Injection
SELECT * FROM ##yourglobaltemp; -- prove that it's working
DROP TABLE ##yourglobaltemp;
Also note that, after you have created the global temp table you can use tempdb.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS to get the names and other information about the columns in your newly created temp table for further scripting. E.g. for ##yourglobaltemp this query would get you information about it's columns:
WHERE TABLE_NAME = '##yourglobaltemp';
Edit: code formatting
-- Itzik Ben-Gan 2001
January 12, 2016 at 11:08 am
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