Storing Document (xls) in tables

  • I am trying to research how to store word/excel/powerpoint/text documents in the database itself.

    Does anyone have key words/phrases or a good source of documentation for this type of thing? I am looking at storing 10,000+ documents at 20K to 4Meg each to begin with.



  • I know this sounds like a stupid question, but why not just let the file system do what it's designed to do and just store the path in the DB?

  • The system is being designed to share documents accross the corporation and have a sync process. The hardware setup and design is out of my hands. I have to be able to send the apropriate "records" to as many as 5 other databases in a nightly batch process. Some documents are tagged "all", so from the orignating server, it will be sent to the other servers. Some will be tagged for specific server(s).


  • Blobs arent always a bad idea. Definitely is nice to have it all secure and backed up in one place.

    ADO stream usually offers the easiest way to get the data in/out of a blob. We've got quite a few threads here on the site, probably some small code snippets. I know MSDN has a code example showing how to use it.


  • Hi Joseph,

    agree with Andy. Blob's aren't always bad, though sometimes it seems to me like a philosophical question whether to store binary data in a db or on the file system.

    Case you're doing this with some VB dialect, you can use the ADO.Stream object like this

    Dim sFileName As String

    Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset

    Dim cnnAttach As ADODB.Connection

    Dim strStream As ADODB.Stream


    Set strStream = New ADODB.Stream

    strStream.Type = adTypeBinary


    strStream.LoadFromFile sFileName

    .Fields("MsgAttachment").Value = strStream.Read

    The above stores any kind of binary data into a image field

    To retrieve the data try this one

    Dim i As Integer

    Dim sql As String

    Dim msg As String

    Dim sFileName As String

    Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset

    Dim strStream As ADODB.Stream

    CommonDialog1.Flags = cdlOFNHideReadOnly

    CommonDialog1.InitDir = "C:\"


    sql = "SELECT * FROM mails_attachments WHERE id=" & CLng(DataList3.BoundText)

    Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset

    cnnArchive.Open SNIPPET_STRING

    rs.Open sql, cnnArchive, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic, adCmdText

    Set strStream = New ADODB.Stream

    strStream.Type = adTypeBinary


    strStream.Write rs.Fields("MsgAttachment").Value

    strStream.SaveToFile CommonDialog1.FileName, adSaveCreateOverWrite


    If you want to show the document you have to add this to the above code

    I use an asp page for access. It looks loke this one.

    Set oConn = ConnectAttachment()

    Set oRecSet = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

    lpszTableName = Request.QueryString("section")

    lpszMsgID = Request.QueryString("id")

    SQL="SELECT img FROM " & lpszTableName & " WHERE id=" & lpszMsgID

    oRecSet.Open SQL, oConn

    If oRecSet.BOF And oRecSet.EOF Then


    End If

    Response.ContentType = "application/"

    Response.BinaryWrite oRecSet.Fields("img")

    The contenttype can be set to virtually whatever you like.

    Hope that leads you in the right direction.

    Suggestion to Sit-owners:

    Although I haven't check this out yet, it might be a good idea to place some example code on storing an retrieving binary data somewhere on the site for there seems to be frequently questions on this. If there is already some code, forget my suggestion



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Thank you for both of your comments. I will be doing this with VB. Going with .NET.

    Thanks again,


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