Stored Proceedure runs away with CPU untill its resaved

  • I have an interesting issue with a store procedure [pasted at the bottom of this entry]

    On a regular basis this stored procedure will run but never end and tax the server more and more as this sproc is fired off.

    We have been able to get the sproc to run correctly for a period of time simply by droping the sproc and recreating it with exactly the same code.

    When it does run correctly, it runs for approx. 12 seconds.  When it doesnt run correctly it never ends.  No blocking, very little disk activity, very high cpu activity, even when its only running once.





    CREATE    PROCEDURE sp_rptGetManagerEnrollments


     @manager int, -- Manager Id

     @Status varchar(3)   -- Enrollment Status




    IF ((@Status = 'All') or (@Status = '')) SET @status = '%'

     SELECT DU.firstName as 'First Name',

     DU.lastName as 'Last Name', as 'City',

     DLA.title as 'Course Title',

     DLA.code as 'Course Code',

     DF.description as 'Status',

     DLAI.firstMeetingStart as 'Start',

     DLT.dateTimeEnrolled as 'Enrolled',

     DLT.dateTimeCompleted as 'Completed',


     WHEN DLT.score < 100 THEN DLT.score

     WHEN DLT.score > 100 THEN (DLT.score / 10)

     ELSE DLT.score

     END as 'Score',

     DLT.passed as 'Passed'



     INNER JOIN DRManagerMap DMM (NOLOCK) on DMM.ChildID = DU.userid


     INNER JOIN DRLearningActivityTranscript DLT (NOLOCK) ON DU.userID = DLT.userID

     INNER JOIN DRLearningActivity DLA (NOLOCK) ON DLT.learningActivityID = DLA.ID

     LEFT OUTER JOIN DRFieldDecode DF (NOLOCK) ON DLT.enrollmentStatus = DF.abbr

     LEFT OUTER JOIN DRLearningActivityInstance DLAI (NOLOCK) ON = DLT.learningActivityInstanceID


     WHERE (DMM.ParentId = @manager)

     AND ISNULL(DLT.enrollmentStatus,'') LIKE @status

     AND (DF.field = 'DRLearningActivityTranscript.enrollmentStatus')

     ORDER BY DU.lastname, DU.firstname




  • Compare execution plans between correct and not correct may help.

  • Is this being run against static data ? or is this being run against data that is constantly changing?


    You are using LIKE against the @status variable but the variable won't always be a wildcard.  This may/may not help with the runaway.

    You are using an alias for the DRLearningActivityTranscript table of DLT yet down below in your WHERE statement you are looking for the EXPLICIT value of 'DRLearningActivityTranscript.enrollmentStatus' instead of:

    DRLearningActivityTranscript.enrollmentStatus OR DLT.enrollmentStatus

    which may also be contributing to the runaway.

    What does the estimated execution look like <CTRL> L from QA??  Are there any table scans/loops, etc... that may be cranking the query?

    I would start by breaking the query down into smaller queries of 2 table joins and test them all to see if the runaway happens there and slowly build back-up.

    This is one of the joys of SQL   The "why is this happening"???

    Also, is the database on local drives or a SAN/eternal drive array?  You might be experiencing network troubles as well.


    Good Luck,


    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

  • Thanks guys......your insight is greatly appreciated!!

  • Just a a final note about this sproc.

    I decided to take the logic of this sproc to populate a new table with the all results (all rows).

    The sproc used to take well over 90 seconds to run each time.  Now this code runs once in the middle of the night for about 5 minutes to populate the new table with all rows....Now to get the required results for a query against the table, it only takes about 2 seconds.





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