stored procedures with expression based connection string

  • Hi,

    If i use stored procedure with expression based connection string, the report does not work. But the report works without the stored proc with expression based connection string.

    So can we use Stored procs or is there a way to use them?



  • Report work with store procedure justcheck your datasource which command type you have text or store procedure......... if you have store procedure type then can post more information about your query...

  • Yes, Report works fine with Stored procedures and command type is stored procedure and not Text.

    My question is Why does Report 2005 not work with stored procs when we use Expressions based connection string. if i dont use expressions based, report works fine with stored proc.

    Has anybody used expression based connection string?


  • Could you pls show me how you are building the expression for connection string... based on ReportParameters / some variables??

    perhaps i'm ignorant, but i could not see any other way than to use a preset data source with a hard-coded connection string...

  • My bad! My report was deployed on a remote server and stored proc was on the database locally on my computer... Since the remote errors was turned off i could not tell what the error msg is. so soon as i turned on the the remote errors on the remote server, it errored out sayin stored proc cannot be found.


    so i added the stored proc on the remote database and it works now!



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