Stored Procedures, who did change this stored procedure

  • Hello,

    I've got a question... I want to see what sql or domain user has changed a stored procedure and when possible, from what machine.

    Is this possible in sql 2005 enterprise?

    Thanks in advance, and best regards,

    Mischa E.J. Hoogendoorn

  • I would suggest setting up a DDL trigger and writing this to an audit table. If you are unsure how to implement this please let me know.


  • There is some info here,, but you you do want to set up auditing if that is an issue.

    By default, only a limited amount of information is captured.

  • you can use the default trace, and hopefully find what happened;

    here is aan example:

    -- obtain file name for Default Trace

    declare @TraceFileName nvarchar(256)

    set @TraceFileName = (select path from sys.traces where is_default = 1)

    -- get general name for Default Trace (remove rollover number)

    set @TraceFileName =

    substring (@Tracefilename, 1, (charindex ('\log_', @tracefilename) + 3)) + '.trc'

    -- sample query: get info about recently added, deleted and modified

    -- stored procedures in a database






    ,tr.ObjectName as 'Trace ObjectName'

    , as 'Sysobjects Name'



    /* see 'ObjectType Trace Event Column' in BOL to get a translation of these type codes */

    ,sv.subclass_name as 'ObjectAbbrv'




    from fn_trace_gettable(@TraceFileName, default) tr

    join sys.trace_events ev

    on tr.eventclass = ev.trace_event_id

    join sys.trace_subclass_values sv

    on tr.eventclass = sv.trace_event_id

    and tr.ObjectType = sv.subclass_value

    and sv.trace_column_id = 28

    left join sys.objects o

    on tr.ObjectID = o.object_id

    where eventclass in (46, 47, 164) -- object created, deleted or altered

    and eventsubclass = 1 -- only committed act


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Thanks you very much! That was exactly where I was looking for !

    Thanks! 🙂

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