Stored Procedures Parameters

  • Hi,

    I hope someone will be able to provide me with the knowledge that I'am seeking in relation to SP parameters and their limitations.

    I have created a DTS package with Global variables.  I call this DTS package via an SP which I in turn pass parameters into.  The SP parameters are passed into the DTS' parameters.

    For testing purposes I am using small amounts of data for testing until the front end of the application is completed.  The front end of the App will Screen Scrape all the data on a html page.  This data will be of a variable size which I will hope to pass into the SP.  I believe I read at some stage that the max length of an input parameter for an SP was 256?  Is this correct? 

    If so what is the best approach of pass into an SP an unknown length of data?

    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.



  • The maximum allowed for any data type is 8000.


    If you want more than this, you will have to strip the first 8000 chars into one parameter, the next 8000 in the next paramater and so on. You also need to populate the parameters left empty with soemthing or it will fall over.



    The Users are always right - when I'm not wrong!

  • Don't know about previous versions, but stored procedures in SQL Server 2000 may have type of "text" or "ntext", which theoretically will let you pass in just about as much text as you want (check BOL for limits). But problem then becomes how you call the proceudre...not sure if DTS will allow you to pass in more than max varchar (8000 chars) at once. I've done this with stored procs called from a .NET app and it seems to work fine, but haven't tried it in DTS.

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