Stored Procedures

  • You can use IF EXISTS clause to find if a record exist in Header table. If it exists, then insert into Edit table. If it does not exist, you can return an error back to your App or force an insert.


  • Are you saying I need to start all this over again in another forum?

  • You are almost correct. It is not an all or nothing in all situations. The fatal errors will of course never get to the commit section anyway.

    I only rollback if the is a self imposed fatal error - the rest are simply warning sent back to the user with inforamtion and instructions

  • I will look into the EXISTS you mention. I was usign the @@ERROR test to also decide what information I would add to the return mesage. There are several errors that are deemed as only warning to my system

  • I would not repost in a SQL Server 2000 forum at this time as people have already started helping you out here. However, I would just be sure that you be sure to put future posts in the SQL Server 2000 forums.

  • Moving to SQL 2000 - Development forum.

    The IF Exists should help you develop good SQL flow. I'd avoid the GOTO, though honestly it's something of a habit. I don't know if it affects the way that SQL actually runs.

    My idea for structure would be

    -- insert header

    -- if exists (select from header)


    add child




    set error var

    return -- break out of proc


    -- if exists (select from header or child)


    add next record




    set error var

    return -- break out of proc


    you could repeat this in a proc to get an orderly flow, and by setting the error variable, you can easily determine where the issues are.

  • Don't bother moving to another forum. No need to start over. If you like, you can edit the original post and just add something that says "Accidentally posted in SQL 2005 forum. Using SQL 2000.", or something to that effect. Helps when people start to answer.

    What you're doing with calling stored procs from within other stored procs is a pretty standard thing. It can even help with execution plans in many cases. Very normal to do it.

    I would personally avoid GOTO as much as possible, because it makes the proc harder to follow, but for error-handling in SQL 2000, it's about the best option you have, so go ahead and use it for that.

    What you posted in your original post looks pretty standard to me. Nothing new or unusual there. Should work just fine.

    One suggestion, though, is instead of just checking error codes, use Scope_Identity() or something of that sort to make sure that you actually inserted a row.

    Property of The Thread

    "Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everyone agrees it's old enough to know better." - Anon

  • understood. BTW EXISTS works nicely so far

  • sorry - the psuedo code was an example of what I wanted to do, the actual code is all in one procedure

  • waht is scope_identity()

  • If you have identity column in your table, then you can use the function to return the ID of the row that was inserted. You can get details regarding it in Books On line.


  • Just looked up scope_identity. Nice, except for one thing - no yelling now, I did not right the program, there tables DO NOT seem to have any identity fields [primary keys] they did it all with triggers and unique non-clustered indexes. So I dont think @@Identity or scope_identity() will help -

    or am I mistaken

  • Nope... Identity wont work unless your table already has it. My guess is that you will have to live with what you have.

    Maybe giving the table structures and some sample data would help giving you better advice.


  • Your right - what works works. Appreciate all the help here and have learned a lot for future tasks - we can close this issue now

  • Lee,

    you are welcome, and we're glad to help.

    If you have more questions, start a new topic in the forum that seems to fit best.

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