Stored Procedure within a stored procedure

  • Hello..

    I was trying to write a stored procedure that could execute another row-returning stored procedure and apply a where and order by clause to be used with some components I wrote.

    I'm probably not explaining myself properly, but I imagine that the stored procedure would look something like:


    CREATE procedure sp_execute_sp


    @procedure_name varchar(100)

    ,@where_clause varchar(1000)

    ,@order_by_clause varchar(1000)



    ... sql ....


    Unfortunately, it seems to be harder than I thought. We're using sql 7 and the hard part is getting the results of the named stored procedure into a temporary table. It's difficult because the columns may vary from stored procedure to stored procedure.

    Any thoughts?


  • You cant use the results of a stored proc directly in TSQL (ADO is often a better choice for these types of things). The easiest way to do it in TSQL is like this:

    Insert into #Temp exec your_stored_procedure

    Look hard at your reasons for doing this - if it's to keep your data access code separate, good. If you're seeking performance, you lose a lot of your hoped for gains if you start doing a lot of dynamic sql and stuff - recompiles hurt.


  • A common problem. It's too bad table-valued user-defined functions can't be created that return the results of store procedure.

    As for parametering the ORDER By clause, there is a neat case statement that allows you do choose which column you want to sort by

    Goes something like this

    select *

    from table

    order by


    when @OrderBy = 1 then ColumnA end,

    when @OrderBy = 2 then Columnb end



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