stored procedure to total dates

  • Am trying to write a stored procedure which counts the number of rows in a table who's entry date falls in a given date range, a total is listed for each month in the given date range. ie if the specifed date range was Feb '02 - May '02 the output would be:

    Feb 12

    Mar 32

    Apr 23

    May 21

    To clarify the entrydate is a date field in the table tblparticipants, I think I need something along the lines of:

    declare @startdate datetime, @enddate datetime, @monthcounter datetime

    while @monthcounter <> @enddate


    select count(*) from tblparticipants

    where entrydate = month(@monthcounter)

    set @monthcounter = dateadd(month, 1, @monthcounter)


    Any help in correcting the above would be greatly appreciated.

  • Use set based queries instead:


    select datename(entrydate,m) Mon, count(*) Cnt

    from tblparticipants

    where entrydate between @start and @end

    group by datename(entrydate,m)


    * Noel

  • A select count(*) from x where date >= date1 and date <= date2 should work, are you just wanting the number of rows?

  • Hey Noeld, can I stop say that I agree everytime you post now and just do it implicitly?



    Please explain why you call your query "set based" versus Steve's query?  Is it because a "set" of records is returned, or is that too simplistic? 

    (if you answer in a bulldozer fashion, I will probably understand better.  Right Remi?    )

    I wasn't born stupid - I had to study.

  • Farrell,

    I was refering to the tendency of someone new to SQL to "loop" on every scenario. It is a natural construct for most other languages and it takes a bit get used to write queries instead of loops but once you get the gist of it you realize the inmense power that set based solutions deliver

    Right , Remi?


    * Noel

  • "(if you answer in a bulldozer fashion, I will probably understand better. Right Remi? )"

    Yup .

    The original approach is a while loop that does selects. Noeld's solution is a single select that fetches all the data at once, hence set based. The original query is still set based, but it returns only 1 row at the time, making it look more like a cursor (unset) than a set solution.

  • Looks likes it's a no to my questions.

    When are you gonna agree to my posts now???

  • I keep typing slower than you do, dam!

    Sure I do agree to yours as long as you post Before me which is usually most of the time


    * Noel

  • noeld, thanks for your very informative reply, as you guessed I'm coming from a procedural background and still trying to get my head around control structures VS sets.  Have revised previous to:

    use DofESQL5

    declare @startdate datetime, @enddate datetime,

    set @startdate = '1/2/1991'

    set @enddate = '1/4/1991'

    select datename(m,entrydate) mon, count(*) cnt

    from tblparticipants

    where entrydate between @startdate and @enddate

    group by datename(m,entrydate)


    Almost does the trick but I'm trying to get it to display the count for each month,year consecutively from startdate to enddate ie in this case

    February x

    March y

    April z

  • Don't be modest... you beat me at least once today .

  • Not this time though... you had a good 15 minutes to finish the job .

    Here's a solution (maybe not the best but it works regardless of the language) :

    Declare @startdate as datetime

    declare @enddate as datetime

    set @Startdate = dateadd(YY, -3, getdate())

    set @endDate = dateadd(d, -100, getdate())

    Select DateName(YY, CrDate) as Year, DateName(M, CrDate) as Month, count(*) as Total, MIN(crDate) as SortDate

    from dbo.SysObjects

    where CrDate between @startdate and @enddate

    group by DateName(YY, CrDate), DateName(M, CrDate)

    order by DateName(YY, CrDate), Datepart(M, MIN(crDate))

  • OOps!  I was working on something else


    * Noel

  • Do you have a better solution than this one?

    I'd like to flush out the last column so that no useless data is sent back (I can do a derived table a select from that but I guess there are better ways to do this).

  • there are two approaches (that I know of)

    one is to mix before grouping and extract after you do

    the other which is simpler is to add level of wrapping


    * Noel

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