Stored procedure to search for files

  • Hi,

    I generate a report based on data sent by customer from Mon-Fri. Like if a customer sends data on Mon - his report will be generated on a Wednesday (some rules applied) and same for other weekdays.

    Now I require to add extra functionality whereby if cust sends data on Saturday or Sunday , it also gets reported (which was not the case earlier).

    Condition is:

    "If cust sends data on Sat or Sun - it should be merged with Mon data and reported as if the data were send on Mon".

    Now it is easy for me to just manually put Sat and Sun data into Mon data and do the reporting. However i would like to avoid doing it manually.

    So if someone can help in out in designing a SP to search for any files on the last Saturday and Sunday & change the internal dates to make it look like it was loaded Monday (in every data file is included the date and time at which customer sent that particular file).

    Tables used:

    Data_control - stores the filename,fileadded(date),filedate,unique cust no.

    Data_full - stores the details contained in the data sent by the customer.

    Any help would be appreciated.


  • hi,

    compare saturday and sunday with datename function (datename(w,datefield)) and build your logic.

    hope this will help u.

    thanks and regards

    Raghavendra N S

  • Thanks Raghav.


  • I'n not sure how complicated your code is but if it's not too long, you could post it and we might have an even better suggestion.

    --Jeff Moden

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    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

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  • Guys,

    Ive written a SP to handle Sat/Sun data. I ran the Exe to implement it, but it did not work for some reason. Can you help me out.

    CREATE PROCEDURE usp_Load_Full

    @file NVARCHAR(100),

    @name NVARCHAR(30),

    @folder CHAR(8),


    DECLARE @i INT, @filedate CHAR(8)

    IF (DATENAME(dw,@folder)= 'Saturday')


    SELECT id

    FROM dbo.Customer C

    JOIN dbo.DataControl PC ON C.Number=PC.Number

    WHERE C.SatData=1

    SET @i = @@ROWCOUNT

    WHILE i >0


    SET @filedate = DATEADD(dd,2,@folder)

    INSERT INTO Data_Full

    SELECT *, @name, @filedate, 0, 0

    FROM Data_Load

    WHERE Version = '1'

    SET @i = @i -1


    INSERT INTO Data_Full

    SELECT *, @name, @folder, 0, 0

    FROM Data_Load

    WHERE Version = '1'


    ELSE IF (DATENAME(dw,@folder)= 'Sunday')


    SET @filedate = DATEADD(dd,1,@folder)

    INSERT INTO Data_Full

    SELECT *, @name, @filedate, 0, 0

    FROM Data_Load

    WHERE Version = '1'


    The code should simply check for Sat data load, check a flag - if the flag is one then add 2 days to it to make it look it is Mon file..otherwise load as Sat file.

    The sunday file does not check for any flag and simply should behave as if it is mond file.

    Assume the 3 parameters passed to SP be available.

  • something like this might get you started.

    for any given week, this returns the starting date of monday(@12am, the start of friday, and the last possible datetime of friday.

    from there, you could use dateadd to add minus two days to get the Saturday(teo days before) of "this weeks" monday,



    DATEADD(wk, DATEDIFF(wk,0,GETDATE()), 0) Monday,

    DATEADD(wk, DATEDIFF(wk,0,GETDATE()), 0)+4 Friday,

    DATEADD(ms,-3,DATEADD(wk, DATEDIFF(wk,0,GETDATE()), 0) + 5 ) EODFriday


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  • All,

    I am alomost done with my bit to include weekend days, but failing in the last hurdle.

    When i am using "SET" to modify the Sat date it is not alloowing the modified date to be stored in "yyyymmdd" format. It is storing in "Aug 31 2009" type format.

    I want the modified date to look in "yyyymmdd" (the format of filedate is "yyyymmdd"). Below is the line in contention.

    SET @filedate= DATEADD(dd,2,@filedate)

    A quick response would be appreciated.


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