stored procedure problem

  • I have a stored procedure which accepts three parameters, the first and the last parameter being a date , and the second parameter being a string. Now the problem is the value which i want to pass as the second parameter. i have a variable where i am storing this value, the data will be something of this format

    strdata = "'a','b','c','d'"

    i call my stored procedure as

    execute procname datevar1, strdata, datevar2

    the second parameter of my stored procedure takes a list of item codes seperated by comma. Now if i have selected only one item and pass it to the stored procedure, the procedure works fine. but if i pass two parameters it does not affect any records in the database, where it is suppose to do.

    I am pasting a part of the code of the stored procedure to explain more clearly. This code works fine if i run it through Query analyzer but does not work in Stored Procedure (when i have more than one value passed as the second parameter to the stored procedure).

    insert into TableName(Ldate, itemid, particulars, ref,ref2,qty)

    Select @vsdate, itemid, 'Particulars', '','', stock from TableName2 where itemid in ( @itemids )

    Can anyone suggest where the problem might be?

  • duplicate post .. but here's my answer again!


    i think the problems is that the itemid in ( @itemids ) bit of the query is being resolved as ''a','b','c','d''.

    a way around this would be to generate the select dynamically :-

    exec('select * from TableName2 where itemid in (' + @itemids + ')')

    this (hopefully) should expand @itemids in the way that you want



  • You could also use charindex to obtain results in this case...

    Assuming that the table structure is something like

    TableName(Itemid int,Itemname varchar(20))

    Declare @itemids varchar(20)

    SET @itemids = '1,2,3,4'

    SET @itemids = ','+@itemids+','

    Select * from TableName where


  • charindex is my vote. IN doesn't work with string variables.

    Steve Jones

    The Best of SQL Server 2002 -

  • Thanks for your reply, What i did was took the query into a variable and printed that query using Print Command.

    When i tried to run the query individually it worked, let me paste my code below for your reference

    CREATE PROCEDURE sp_abc(@vSdate datetime, @itemids as varchar(8000), @vedate datetime ) AS


    print @itemids

    declare @itemid char(10)

    declare @qty float

    Delete From Stock

    declare @testvar varchar(8000)

    set @testvar="Select @vSdate ,itemid,'Opening Balance','','',stock from opinventory where itemid in (" + @itemids + ")"

    print @testvar

    insert into Stock(Ldate, itemid, particulars, ref,ref2,qty)

    Select @vsdate, itemid, 'Opening Balance', '','', stock from opinventory where itemid in ( @itemids )



    when i am calling the procedure as follows

    sp_abc '05/sep/2003',"'I000001364','I000001372'",'15/Sep/2003'

    it does not work but if i have only one item code in the second parameter it works

    can you please suggest how to modify my code

  • Hi Shailesh,

    As Steve Jones said - the IN doesn't work properly with string variables...

    Consider the following :


    create table #Test1(ItemId Varchar(10))

    Insert #Test1(ItemId) Values('a')

    Insert #Test1(ItemId) Values('b')

    Insert #Test1(ItemId) Values('c')

    Insert #Test1(ItemId) Values('d')

    Declare @val Varchar(10)

    SET @val = 'a'

    -- this works

    Select * from #Test1 where ItemId in (@Val)

    SET @val = 'a,b'

    -- this does not work

    Select * from #Test1 where ItemId in (@Val)

    drop table #Test1


    when you pass more than one variables delimited by a comma then you will either have to use dynamic Sql (as Paul suggested) or follow the charindex method...

    using dynamic Sql in the above example :

    Declare @STR Varchar(100)

    SET @val = '''a'',''b'''

    SET @STR = 'Select * from #Test1 where ItemId in ('+@Val+')'


    however dynamic Sql has associated security risks and performance problems...

    using the charindex approach in the above example :

    SET @val = 'a,d'

    SET @val = ','+@Val+','

    Select * from #Test1 where Charindex(','+ItemId+',',@Val) > 0

    you could try the following changes in your stored procedure :

    CREATE PROCEDURE sp_abc(@vSdate datetime, @itemids as varchar(8000), @vedate datetime ) AS


    SET @itemids = ','+@itemids+','

    -- wrap the itemids within commas

    print @itemids

    Delete From Stock

    insert into Stock(Ldate, itemid, particulars, ref,ref2,qty)

    Select @vsdate, itemid, 'Opening Balance', '','', stock from opinventory where

    Charindex(','+itemid+',',@itemids) > 0



    and call the stored procedure as :

    sp_abc '05/sep/2003','I000001364,I000001372','15/Sep/2003'

    Let us know if this solves the problem...

    Edited by - winash on 09/15/2003 12:34:25 AM

  • Thanks for your reply,

    But, if i run the query in query analyzer it works

    select * from test1 where itemid in ('I000010','I000020') it works, however when the same statment is executed within the stored procedure it does not work

  • true...the SQL statement that you are assigning to a variable and printing out will run in query get that to work within your stored procedure you need to use dynamic sql...

    set @testvar="Select @vSdate ,itemid,'Opening Balance','','',stock from opinventory where itemid in (" + @itemids + ")"

    print @testvar

    exec (@testvar)

    and this should execute the query within your stored procedure...

    and you could use :

    insert into Stock(Ldate, itemid, particulars, ref,ref2,qty)

    exec (@testvar)


  • thanks it works,

    but now i have another question

    What if i would like to declare a cursor in stored procedure with a query which is stored in the variable

    What is the syntax?

  • the original stored procedure query --I'd try to avoid the dynamic Sql solution and go with the charindex approach...that would perform better IMO...

    I've learnt other approaches in this forum (like the charindex one) and I don't think a cursor plus dynamic Sql mix very well (I think you'd have to put everything from the cursor declaration and execution to local variables used in the cursor FETCH statements into the dynamic Sql string)...

    if you could post the requirement here then I'm sure someone could come up with solutions on avoiding the dynamic Sql and maybe even a set based approach instead of a cursor...


    When everything is coming your're in the wrong lane

  • Ok, I manage to work out most of the things with the dynamic sql way. but there is another problem.

    The stored procedure is defined as

    CREATE PROCEDURE sp_abc(@vSdate datetime,@itemids as varchar(8000) ,@vedate datetime ) AS





    I am calling my procedure as

    sp_abc '14/Sep/2003',"'I000003645', 'I000003646', 'I000003647'",'16/Sep/2003'

    This works fine now, but if i have too many items in the second parameter it gives me the following error

    The identifier that starts with ''I000003645', 'I000003646', 'I000003647', 'I000003734', 'I000003735', 'I000001545', 'I000001546', 'I000001547', 'I000001553', 'I' is too long. Maximum length is 128.

    How to solve this problem?

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