Stored procedure problem

  • A quick question for all the experts here.

    I have a simple stored procedure that takes two parameters. I wanted to predefine them to null so if the values don't get passed in it grabs all the records, but if the values are there its selects only the date range. It's fairly simple and it was working without a hitch for a long time. Recently it stopped working, and I am not entirely sure why.

    A few print statements show me that the conditional is not being met, even if the values are passed into the stored procedure. I have been puzzling over this for a bit and i really cannot figure out what has changed to make this stop working. Does anyone else have any ideas?

    Thanks in advance, this is really puzzling me.

    I have reproduced the stored procedure, with some sample output, below:

    ----Stored Proc----

    CREATE PROCEDURE usp_page_stats ( @start_date smalldatetime = NULL, @end_date smalldatetime = NULL )


    IF @start_date != NULL AND @end_date != NULL


    PRINT 'Selecting for specified date range'

    SELECT DISTINCT LoggedPAge, COUNT(LoggedPage) AS hit_count, COUNT(DISTINCT ClientIP) as num_visitors

    FROM hits WHERE LoggedDate BETWEEN @start_date AND @end_date

    GROUP BY LoggedPage

    ORDER BY hit_count DESC




    PRINT 'Selecting for all dates'

    SELECT DISTINCT LoggedPage, COUNT(LoggedPage) AS hit_count, COUNT(DISTINCT ClientIP) AS num_visitors

    FROM hits

    GROUP BY LoggedPage

    ORDER BY hit_count DESC



    ----End Stored Proc----

    ----Sample Output NO Parameters----

    exec usp_page_stats

    Selecting for all dates

    (42 row(s) affected)

    ----End Sample Output----

    ----Sample Output WITH Parameters----

    exec usp_page_stats @start_date='12/14/2005', @end_date='12/14/2005'

    Selecting for all dates

    (42 row(s) affected)

    ----End Sample Output----

  • Don't use !=, it can cause issues. Use IS NULL or IS NOT NULL

  • Wow, thanks!

    This seems to have helped, the stored procedure is running the way it's supposed to.

    Thanks for the quick response and the help.

    I do have a further question though. Could anyone explain 1) what sort of problems using != would cause and why they cause those problems and 2) why this worked at first then stopped?

    Again, thanks a LOT for the help.

  • NULL is definitely a special case in SQL Server and cannot be treated as just another value (because it isn't).  I bet lots of people on here have been caught out writing WHERE clauses like this:

    SELECT ... WHERE field <> 'x'

    only to find out that they are not getting the records returned that they expected.  The solution?

    SELECT ... WHERE (field <> 'x') or (field is Null)


    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • There are a couple articles on NULL here and you can get some strange behavior depending on ANSI NULLs setting. Sometimes it isn't equal to itself

  • I find the ISNULL() function solves most issues for me:

    WHERE ISNULL( field, 'x' ) <> 'x'

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