Stored procedure permissions...every account?

  • One of my SQL devs just created a ADP that calls several stored procedures. 

    Currently our user list looks like the following:

    user A  Has access to db1 needs execute access to ADP1

    user B Has access to db2 needs execute access to ADP1

    user C Has access to db1 needs execute access to ADP1

    user D Has Access to db2 doens't need execute acces to ADP1.

    and so on for about 40 users.  I know I can go into the procedure and give the exec rights for user A,B,C,F, and G. and not the rest.  Is the only way in Enterprise Manager to do this is to go to the properties of each stored procedure they need rights to?

  • Why not create 2 different NT Groups and assign the users to one or the other?  Inside SQL add the group(s) and then assign the permissions at the group level inside the database(s).

    This way you go to 2 different places and assign permissions instead of 40..

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

  • Yep...I didn't even think of that. 

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