Stored procedure parameter question

  • Hello, i have an existing stored procedure that I originally wrote for Oracle and I now have ported it over to SQL Server 2008. Here is the definition of the proc:

    CREATE PROCEDURE SP_ORDER_PURGE @pArch INT = 90, @pPurge INT = 180, @pStats VARCHAR

    When I call the stored procedure I need to pass an in clause for the pStats parameter like so.

    exec SP_ORDER_PURGE 90, 180, '(''Shipped''' + ',' + '''Partially Shipped''' + ',' + '''Canceled''' + ',' + '''Terminated'')'

    This works fine in Oracle with the + concatenation replaced with the ||. It does not seem to work in SQl server as it does not like the +. Here is the error I get when calling it.

    Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Server L303639, Line 1

    Incorrect syntax near '+'.

    What adjustments would I need to make in order for this to work correctly?

    Thank you!

    Best Regards,


  • Try placing your values into a varchar variable and execute the sp by passing the variable


    DECLARE @strSQL varchar(100)

    set @strSQL = '(''Shipped''' + ',' + '''Partially Shipped''' + ',' + '''Canceled''' + ',' + '''Terminated'')'

    exec SP_ORDER_PURGE 90, 180, @strSQL

  • Yes, that works! Thank you for your input!


    Best Regards,


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