stored procedure not running to completion and not returning results set

  • Hi guys,

    This one has me a bit stumped... I have NEVER seen this before...

    I have stored procedure

    ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.usp_Create_Fact_Job (@startDate date, @endDate date) AS


    --DECLARE @startDate date

    --DECLARE @endDate date

    --SET @startDate = '01 APR 2014'

    --SET @endDate = '02 APR 2014'


    /*-- end of Debug*/

    WITH CTE_one AS ( blah blah blah)


    SELECT a whole bunch of fields from the joined tables and CTEs

    When I run the code inside the stored procedure by Declaring and setting the start and enddates manually the code runs in 4 minutes (missing some indexes 😉 )

    When I call the stored procedure with the ExEC

    DECLARE@return_value int

    EXEC@return_value = [ClaimCenter].[usp_Create_Fact_Job]

    @startDate = '01 apr 2014',

    @endDate = '01 apr 2014'

    SELECT'Return Value' = @return_value

    It never returns a results set but doesn't error out either. I have left it for 40 minutes and still no joy.

    Any idea what is going on as I am stumped as to why it never returns a result

    The sproc is reasonably complicated; 6 CTEs to find the most recent version of records and some

    2 joins to parent tables (parent and grandparent), 3 joins to child tables (child, grandchild and great grandchild) and 3 joins to lookup views each of which self references a table to filter for last version of a record.

  • You may be suffering from 'parameter sniffing' - a quick search on Google will give you details of what that is and ways to get round it...

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence
    - Martin Rees
    The absence of consumable DDL, sample data and desired results is, however, evidence of the absence of my response
    - Phil Parkin

  • I agree with Phil. Here is an excellent series of articles about the topic.[/url]


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  • @Phil, @sean

    You were spot on guys. Parameter sniffing was the culprit. I have 'fixed' it by assigning the parameters to local variables. This will work for me as this is a once a day extract query and performance is not critical as it happens overnight when the server load is quite low and the extract criteria are consistent (range from 1 to 3 days) and the data distribution is pretty even.

    I also found the following good posts on parameter sniffing.[/url]

    NOTE: This is MY solution for MY problem, Do your own research! If you have high frequency queries or wildly different data distributions you may want a different solution


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