Stored Procedure not executing

  • Hello All,

    I have created a simple stored procedure that will insert the values into a table. When I execute this stored procedure it is saying 0 rows affected. It is not throwing any error. When I execute only the statements inside the sp it is executing perfectly and rows are getting inserted into a table. I dont what the issue is with the stored procedure.My code looks something like this

    ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.usp_test


    Declare @a int

    set @a='some value'

    insert into dbo.test

    select @a

    If I am executing like this EXEC dbo.usp_test it is saying 0 rows affectted.

    If I execute like this

    Declare @a int

    set @a='some value'

    insert into dbo.test

    select @a

    It is executing perfectly. Please assist.


  • Is it deliberate or a mistake?

    Declare @a int -- INT declaration

    set @a='some value' -- String Value

  • Please post the actual code, not something that kinda looks like it. Details you've removed for simplification may well be the cause.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • I found what the issue is. Now I have a different issue with the same sp. This is my actual code

    USE [rlk_test]


    /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[usp_Dashboard] Script Date: 12/15/2011 09:21:00 ******/





    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_Dashboard_test]



    declare @cut_date date

    set @cut_date = DATEADD(d,-1,getdate())

    /*Invoice Generated*/

    declare @invoice_gen decimal(12,2)

    set @invoice_gen = (

    select SUM(CALC_PRICE_AMT + price_tax_amt + ADJUSTMENT_AMT) line_tot

    from billing_payment

    where TYPE_DESC != 'Level Pay Contract'

    and type_desc != 'Transfer to Payment Contract'

    and TRANSACTION_TYPE_DESC not in ('Reapplied Cash - Revenue - Non Regulated',

    'Returned Cash - Revenue - Non Regulated',

    'Returned Cash - Revenue - Regulated',

    'Cash - Revenue - Non Regulated',

    'Cash - Revenue - Regulated',

    'Reversed Cash - Revenue - Regulated',

    'Reversed Cash - Revenue - Non Regulated',

    'Deposit Charge - Non Regulated'))

    /*Payments Received*/

    declare @payment_received decimal(12,2)

    set @payment_received = (

    select round(SUM( CALC_PRICE_AMT + price_tax_amt + ADJUSTMENT_AMT),2) 'Payments Recieved'

    from billing_payment

    where TYPE_DESC = 'Payment')

    /*Unclaimed Payments*/

    declare @unclaimed_payment decimal(12,2)

    set @unclaimed_payment = (

    select SUM( CALC_PRICE_AMT + price_tax_amt + ADJUSTMENT_AMT) 'unclaimed Payments'

    from billing_payment

    where (customer_tkn = 42372942

    and CUST_STATEMENT_TKN is null

    and CURRENT_STMT_DATE is null))

    /*Payments_received --- Collections Phase*/

    Declare @coll_payment_received decimal(12,2)

    set @coll_payment_received= cast((@payment_received - @unclaimed_payment) * -1 as varchar(14));

    /*Tdu charges*/

    declare @tdu_charge decimal(12,2)

    set @tdu_charge = (

    select round(SUM(CALC_PRICE_AMT + price_tax_amt),2) 'tdu_charge'

    from billing_payment

    where TYPE_desc = 'Regular Bill')

    Insert into dbo.test

    select @cut_date,@invoice_gen,@payments_received,@unclaimed_payments,@coll_payments_received,@tdu_charges

    This is my code. My result should be if I execute this stored procedure I will get the output as

    2011-12-14 500 600 700 800 900

    If I again execute this I dont want the result again to repeat. It shouldn't execute since the data already exists for that particular cut date.

    Please let me know what I need to add to the sp to achive this.


  • So only one row per date?

    Easy to do

    if not exists

    ( select cut_date from test where cut_date = @cut_date


    Insert into dbo.test









  • Yup. i got it. Thanks a lot for your time.

  • I have an other issue with the same stored procedure. I need to get the value for cut date variable from a column in a table. The column is file date and the table name is account. Suppose if I execute the stored procedure for august 5th's data then my cut date variable should get that date (aug 5th) from file date column in account table.

    Could anyone tell me how to achieve this.


  • Please start a separate thread for a new question, and also post some sample data and table DDL. Your description of the problem doesn't make enough sense without an example.

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