Stored procedure limits??

  • I have a stored procedure in my SQL Server 2000 database that has a large number of different queries (about 200 or so all up) over which a cursor iterates. This procedure works perfectly in the Query Analyser. However, when I attempt to run this stored procedure in Enterprise Manager in a SQL query pane or through a SQL Server Agent job, it fails to complete.

    There are no error messages and the error status is 0. But not all of the queries are executed. It simply seems to stop partway through. By varying the number of queries I can get it to stop in different places. To me this suggests that the query has a timeout limit or a limit on the number of queries or something like that. However, I can't figure out what or where that limit is. I should point out that in the Query Analyzer, the whole query takes less than 2 seconds anyway.

    I have also tried splitting my large stored procedure into several smaller procedures to no effect.

    Anyone out there got any idea why or how this is happening?

  • The only time I saw something like this is when I coded something in QA (with some static values instead of parameters).  Then forgetting to change them once going to a sp.


    Other than that, assuming everything is the same it will work as an sp (please correct if your experience says otherwise).

  • That would make sense. Unfortunately, it doesn't apply in this case as I wrote it as a static procedure first. Then when it didn't work, I did a copy/paste, removed the create procedure statement at the top and ran the query (no parameters for the sp). And it worked fine at that point.

  • Can you post the code?

  • Review the code on the DB to make sure it's all there. You're not passing the contents of the SP thru a variable by any chance? Remember that variables have an 8K limit.

  • The code in the sp is below.

    CREATE PROCEDURE MapCandidateData


    DECLARE @Cmd varchar (2000)

    DECLARE @cris_id int, @office_id int, @title varchar (10), @firstname varchar(255), @lastname varchar(255),

    @homephone varchar(255), @workphone varchar(255), @mobile varchar(255), @email varchar(255), @address1 varchar(255),

    @address2 varchar(255), @suburb varchar(255), @state varchar(255), @postcode varchar(255), @dob datetime,

    @visaexpire datetime, @residency varchar(255), @worktype varchar(255), @edu_level int, @sk_shorthand smallint,

    @sk_dictaphone smallint, @sk_meetgreet smallint, @sk_switchsml smallint, @sk_switchlrg smallint, @sk_msword smallint,

    @sk_perfect smallint, @sk_lotpro smallint, @sk_excel smallint, @sk_lot123 smallint, @sk_quattro smallint, @sk_access smallint,

    @sk_fpro smallint, @sk_works smallint, @sk_act smallint, @sk_psoft smallint, @sk_outlook smallint, @sk_gwise smallint,

    @sk_lotorg smallint, @sk_outlookexp smallint, @sk_notes smallint, @sk_proj smallint, @sk_onenote smallint, @sk_ppoint smallint,

    @sk_pmaker smallint, @sk_photo smallint, @sk_wppresent smallint, @sk_acro smallint, @sk_fpage smallint, @sk_visio smallint,

    @sk_illus smallint, @sk_dream smallint, @sk_pub smallint, @sk_myob smallint, @sk_sage smallint, @sk_pastel smallint,

    @sk_sap smallint, @sk_quicken smallint, @sk_gplains smallint, @sk_dyna smallint, @sk_pronto smallint, @sk_jde smallint, @sk_oracle smallint,

    @sk_triumph smallint, @sk_accpay smallint, @sk_trlbal smallint, @sk_profloss smallint, @sk_bsheet smallint, @sk_pay smallint,

    @sk_accrec smallint, @sk_cash smallint, @sk_inv smallint, @sk_bankrecs smallint, @sk_credit smallint, @sk_genledg smallint,

    @sk_purch smallint, @sk_stock smallint, @sk_stats smallint, @sk_finrep smallint, @sk_fore smallint, @sk_manrep smallint,

    @sk_cost smallint, @sk_budget smallint, @sk_audit smallint, @sk_ca smallint, @sk_aca smallint, @sk_cpa smallint, @sk_acca smallint,

    @sk_cima smallint, @sk_otheracc smallint, @sk_qual smallint, @sk_pqual smallint, @sk_accexp smallint, @otherskills varchar(8000),

    @emp1company varchar(255), @emp1position varchar(255), @emp1from datetime, @emp1to datetime, @emp1comments varchar(8000),

    @emp2company varchar(255), @emp2position varchar(255), @emp2from datetime, @emp2to datetime, @emp2comments varchar(8000),

    @emp3company varchar(255), @emp3position varchar(255), @emp3from datetime, @emp3to datetime, @emp3comments varchar(8000)

    DECLARE @title_id int, @residential_id int, @candidate_id int, @worktype_id int, @skill_id int


    SELECT * FROM mySQLImport

    OPEN import_cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM import_cursor

    INTO @cris_id, @office_id, @title, @firstname, @lastname, @homephone, @workphone, @mobile, @email, @address1,

    @address2, @suburb, @state, @postcode, @dob, @visaexpire, @residency, @worktype, @edu_level, @sk_shorthand,

    @sk_dictaphone, @sk_meetgreet, @sk_switchsml, @sk_switchlrg, @sk_msword,

    @sk_perfect, @sk_lotpro, @sk_excel, @sk_lot123, @sk_quattro, @sk_access, @sk_fpro,

    @sk_works, @sk_act, @sk_psoft, @sk_outlook, @sk_gwise, @sk_lotorg, @sk_outlookexp,

    @sk_notes, @sk_proj, @sk_onenote, @sk_ppoint, @sk_pmaker, @sk_photo, @sk_wppresent,

    @sk_acro, @sk_fpage, @sk_visio, @sk_illus, @sk_dream, @sk_pub, @sk_myob, @sk_sage,

    @sk_pastel, @sk_sap, @sk_quicken, @sk_gplains, @sk_dyna, @sk_pronto, @sk_jde, @sk_oracle,

    @sk_triumph, @sk_accpay, @sk_trlbal, @sk_profloss, @sk_bsheet, @sk_pay, @sk_accrec,

    @sk_cash, @sk_inv, @sk_bankrecs, @sk_credit, @sk_genledg, @sk_purch, @sk_stock, @sk_stats,

    @sk_finrep, @sk_fore, @sk_manrep, @sk_cost, @sk_budget, @sk_audit, @sk_ca, @sk_aca,

    @sk_cpa, @sk_acca, @sk_cima, @sk_otheracc, @sk_qual, @sk_pqual, @sk_accexp, @otherskills,

    @emp1company, @emp1position, @emp1from, @emp1to, @emp1comments,

    @emp2company, @emp2position, @emp2from, @emp2to, @emp2comments,

    @emp3company, @emp3position, @emp3from, @emp3to, @emp3comments



    SELECT @title_id = TitleID

    FROM tblTitle

    WHERE TName = @title

    IF @@rowcount = 0

    SELECT @title_id = null

    UPDATE tblPerson

    SETPersonFirstName = LEFT(@firstname,50),

    PersonSurname = LEFT(@lastname,50),

    PersonHomeTelephone = LEFT(@homephone,50),

    PersonWorkTelephone = LEFT(@workphone,50),

    PersonMobileTelephone = LEFT(@mobile,50),

    PersonHomeEmail = LEFT(@email,100),

    TitleID = @title_id

    WHERE PersonID = @cris_id

    SELECT @residential_id = ResidenceID

    FROM ResidentalStatus

    WHERE ResidenceDesc = @residency

    IF @@rowcount = 0

    SELECT @residential_id = 0

    SELECT @worktype_id = JobTypeID

    FROM JobType

    WHERE JobTypeName = @worktype

    IF @@rowcount = 0

    SELECT @worktype_id = 0

    SELECT @candidate_id = CandidateID

    FROM tblCandidate

    WHERE CandidateID = @cris_id

    IF @@rowcount = 0


    INSERT INTO tblCandidate (CandidateAddress, CandidateAddress2, CandidateCity, CandidateState,

    CandidatePostcode, CandidateDateofBirth, CandidateVisaExpireDate, CandidateResidenceID,

    CandidateDegreeQualified, CandidateWantedJobType, CandidateCurrentSkills, BranchID, CandidateID)

    VALUES (LEFT(@address1,100), LEFT(@address2,100), LEFT(@suburb,50), LEFT(@state,20),

    LEFT(@postcode,10), @dob, @visaexpire, @residential_id, @edu_level, @worktype_id, @otherskills,

    @office_id, @cris_id)




    UPDATE tblCandidate

    SETCandidateAddress = LEFT(@address1,100),

    CandidateAddress2 = LEFT(@address2,100),

    CandidateCity = LEFT(@suburb,50),

    CandidateState = LEFT(@state,20),

    CandidatePostcode = LEFT(@postcode,10),

    CandidateDateofBirth = @dob,

    CandidateVisaExpireDate = @visaexpire,

    CandidateResidenceID = @residential_id,

    CandidateDegreeQualified = @edu_level,

    CandidateWantedJobType = @worktype_id,

    CandidateCurrentSkills = @otherskills,

    BranchID = @office_id

    WHERE CandidateID = @cris_id


    DELETE FROM CandExperience

    WHERE CandidateID = @cris_id

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'SH', @skillvalue = @sk_shorthand

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'DICTA', @skillvalue = @sk_dictaphone

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'M&G', @skillvalue = @sk_meetgreet

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'SML S', @skillvalue = @sk_switchsml

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'BIG S', @skillvalue = @sk_switchlrg

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'MSWord', @skillvalue = @sk_msword

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'Perfect', @skillvalue = @sk_perfect

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'LOTPR', @skillvalue = @sk_lotpro

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'EXCEL', @skillvalue = @sk_excel

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'LOT123', @skillvalue = @sk_lot123

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'QUATT', @skillvalue = @sk_quattro

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'ACCESS', @skillvalue = @sk_access

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'FPRO', @skillvalue = @sk_fpro

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'WORKS', @skillvalue = @sk_works

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'ACT', @skillvalue = @sk_act

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'PS', @skillvalue = @sk_psoft

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'OUT', @skillvalue = @sk_outlook

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'GW', @skillvalue = @sk_gwise

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'ORG', @skillvalue = @sk_lotorg

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'OXPRS', @skillvalue = @sk_outlookexp

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'NOTES', @skillvalue = @sk_notes

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'PROJ', @skillvalue = @sk_proj

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'ONE', @skillvalue = @sk_onenote

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'PP', @skillvalue = @sk_ppoint

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'APM', @skillvalue = @sk_pmaker

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'PHOTO', @skillvalue = @sk_photo

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'WPP', @skillvalue = @sk_wppresent

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'ACRO', @skillvalue = @sk_acro

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'FRONT', @skillvalue = @sk_fpage

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'VISIO', @skillvalue = @sk_visio

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'ILLUS', @skillvalue = @sk_illus

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'DREAM', @skillvalue = @sk_dream

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'PUB', @skillvalue = @sk_pub

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'MYOB', @skillvalue = @sk_myob

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'SAGEMIC', @skillvalue = @sk_sage

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'PASTEL', @skillvalue = @sk_pastel

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'SAP', @skillvalue = @sk_sap

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'QUIK', @skillvalue = @sk_quicken

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'GREAT', @skillvalue = @sk_gplains

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'DYNA', @skillvalue = @sk_dyna

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'PRONTO', @skillvalue = @sk_pronto

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'JDE', @skillvalue = @sk_jde

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'ORAC', @skillvalue = @sk_oracle

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'TRI', @skillvalue = @sk_triumph

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'AP', @skillvalue = @sk_accpay

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'TRIAL', @skillvalue = @sk_trlbal

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'P&L', @skillvalue = @sk_profloss

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'BSHEET', @skillvalue = @sk_bsheet

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'PROLL', @skillvalue = @sk_pay

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'AR', @skillvalue = @sk_accrec

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'CBOOKS', @skillvalue = @sk_cash

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'INV', @skillvalue = @sk_inv

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'RECS', @skillvalue = @sk_bankrecs

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'CC', @skillvalue = @sk_credit

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'GL', @skillvalue = @sk_genledg

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'PURCH', @skillvalue = @sk_purch

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'STOCK', @skillvalue = @sk_stock

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'STATS', @skillvalue = @sk_stats

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'FINREP', @skillvalue = @sk_finrep

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'FORE', @skillvalue = @sk_fore

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'MREP', @skillvalue = @sk_manrep

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'COST', @skillvalue = @sk_cost

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'BUDGE', @skillvalue = @sk_budget

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'AUDIT', @skillvalue = @sk_audit

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'CA', @skillvalue = @sk_ca

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'ACA', @skillvalue = @sk_aca

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'CPA', @skillvalue = @sk_cpa

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'ACCA', @skillvalue = @sk_acca

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'CIMA', @skillvalue = @sk_cima

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'OTHER', @skillvalue = @sk_otheracc

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'QUAL', @skillvalue = @sk_qual

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'PQUAL', @skillvalue = @sk_pqual

    EXEC MapCandidateSkill @cris_id = @cris_id, @skillcode = 'YRSXP', @skillvalue = @sk_accexp

    IF @emp1company IS NOT NULL AND @emp1company ''


    INSERT INTO tblHistory (CandidateID, HFrom, HTo, HEmployer, HPosition, HComments, JobTypeID)

    VALUES (@cris_id, @emp1from, @emp1to, LEFT(@emp1company,50), LEFT(@emp1position,100),

    LEFT(replace (@emp1comments, '

    ', char(10)),250), 0)


    IF @emp2company IS NOT NULL AND @emp2company ''


    INSERT INTO tblHistory (CandidateID, HFrom, HTo, HEmployer, HPosition, HComments, JobTypeID)

    VALUES (@cris_id, @emp2from, @emp2to, LEFT(@emp2company,50), LEFT(@emp2position,100),

    LEFT(replace (@emp2comments, '

    ', char(10)),250), 0)


    IF @emp3company IS NOT NULL AND @emp3company ''


    INSERT INTO tblHistory (CandidateID, HFrom, HTo, HEmployer, HPosition, HComments, JobTypeID)

    VALUES (@cris_id, @emp3from, @emp3to, LEFT(@emp3company,50), LEFT(@emp3position,100),

    LEFT(replace (@emp3comments, '

    ', char(10)),250), 0)


    FETCH NEXT FROM import_cursor

    INTO @cris_id, @office_id, @title, @firstname, @lastname, @homephone, @workphone, @mobile, @email, @address1,

    @address2, @suburb, @state, @postcode, @dob, @visaexpire, @residency, @worktype, @edu_level, @sk_shorthand,

    @sk_dictaphone, @sk_meetgreet, @sk_switchsml, @sk_switchlrg, @sk_msword,

    @sk_perfect, @sk_lotpro, @sk_excel, @sk_lot123, @sk_quattro, @sk_access, @sk_fpro,

    @sk_works, @sk_act, @sk_psoft, @sk_outlook, @sk_gwise, @sk_lotorg, @sk_outlookexp,

    @sk_notes, @sk_proj, @sk_onenote, @sk_ppoint, @sk_pmaker, @sk_photo, @sk_wppresent,

    @sk_acro, @sk_fpage, @sk_visio, @sk_illus, @sk_dream, @sk_pub, @sk_myob, @sk_sage,

    @sk_pastel, @sk_sap, @sk_quicken, @sk_gplains, @sk_dyna, @sk_pronto, @sk_jde, @sk_oracle,

    @sk_triumph, @sk_accpay, @sk_trlbal, @sk_profloss, @sk_bsheet, @sk_pay, @sk_accrec,

    @sk_cash, @sk_inv, @sk_bankrecs, @sk_credit, @sk_genledg, @sk_purch, @sk_stock, @sk_stats,

    @sk_finrep, @sk_fore, @sk_manrep, @sk_cost, @sk_budget, @sk_audit, @sk_ca, @sk_aca,

    @sk_cpa, @sk_acca, @sk_cima, @sk_otheracc, @sk_qual, @sk_pqual, @sk_accexp, @otherskills,

    @emp1company, @emp1position, @emp1from, @emp1to, @emp1comments,

    @emp2company, @emp2position, @emp2from, @emp2to, @emp2comments,

    @emp3company, @emp3position, @emp3from, @emp3to, @emp3comments


    CLOSE import_cursor

    DEALLOCATE import_cursor


  • Assuming the code works.  Is it possible you have a deadlock somewhere?


    Or is it possible that you have a silent failure in the child procedures?


    Do you have triggers on any tables that could rollback a transaction?

  • There are definitely no triggers involved and I don't think it could be a question of deadlock or silent failure since the code works perfectly in Query Analyzer and I can guarantee that I was the only one accessing the db at the time.

  • I've pretty much run out of options at this point.  The best way you have to see the problem is to use the debug option in query analyser and go through the proc step by step.  That will show you the problem area(s) and give you an hint to see where to start.

  • I'd suggest some logging as well. Create a table to store IDs or PKs or just varchar data, then insert data at various points in the table to determine what is happening.

    Be sure you use a date col in the log table and insert GETDATE() so you can track the ordering.

  • Or this would actually be an approved use of the identity propriety by our friend Joe Celko... but I wouldn't add the identity without the date.  I can't explain why, but that's what I'd do at the moment.

Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)

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